Information You Should Know About The Endodontic Motors

Endodontic instrumentation has advanced significantly in recent years with a range of powered rotary and reciprocating systems that can make root canal treatment easier to perform.

Endodontic electric motors are a part of this advancement as they provide clinicians with the ability to use special endodontic Nickel-titanium (NiTi) files.

NiTi rotary instrumentation should always be performed with slow-speed, low-torque electric motors with constant and precise torque suited to the canal being treated. Endo motors offer programmable settings, automatic reverse functions designed to reduce file breakage, and even integrated apex locators.

Dental equipments have three times more elastic flexibility in bending and torsion as well as superior resistance to torsional fracture when compared with size stainless-steel files that is why nickel-titanium files gradually force out hand stainless files.

NiTi files have many practical benefits:


— Predictable results every time even when dealing with  canals.

— Time Saving: with practice a standard molar can be totally cleaned and shaped in far less time than hand instrumentation.

— Less post-op pain owing to debris being extruded from the canal during the crown-down technique instead of being pushed through the apex during step-back.

— Less Fatigue for the operator compared to dental equipment.

— Less Transportation of canals.

Teeth with severely curved or S-shape roots should not be instrumented by rotary files to the working length because a NiTi file in a curved canal will have the tendency to straighten itself, resulting in transportation, zipping, and stripping.

Radius of curvature is the most significant factor in terms of predicting cyclic fatigue failure (separation) of the instrument.In other words, the more curved the canal, the greater the risk for separation.

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Information You Should Know About The Endodontic Motors