You Want to Know Something About Dental X-Rays

There are two main types of dental x-rays: intraoral (meaning the x-ray film is inside the mouth) and extraoral (meaning the x-ray film is outside the mouth). Intraoral x-rays are the most common type of dental x-ray taken. These x-rays provide a lot of detail and allow your dentist to find cavities, check the health of the tooth root and bone surrounding the tooth, check the status of developing teeth, and monitor the general health of your teeth and jawbone. Extraoral x-rays show teeth, but their main focus is the jaw and skull. A new set of portable dental x rays machine may be needed to help your dentist detect any new cavities, determine the status of your gum health or evaluate the growth and development of your teeth.

Colorful Wireless Handheld Dental Intra-oral Portable X-Ray Unit BLX-10

If a previous dentist has any radiographs of you, your new dentist may ask you for copies of them. Ask both dentists to help you with forwarding your x-rays. These x-rays do not provide the detail found with intraoral x-rays and therefore are not used for detecting cavities or for identifying problems with individual teeth. Instead, extraoral x-rays are used to look for impacted teeth, monitor growth and development of the jaws in relation to the teeth, and to identify potential problems between teeth and jaws and the temporomandibular joint (TMJ, see temporomandibular disorders for more information) or other bones of the face. If you are a new patient, the dentist may recommend x-rays to determine the present status of your oral health and have a baseline to help identify changes that may occur later. The high cost of x-ray units makes them economically out of reach for some practices, particularly those in rural areas with small patient bases or in developing countries.

HISHINE® Luna Dental X-ray Film Reader LED Specific Wall Desk Mounting

Fortunately, portable radiography systems can bring these services to practices that lack them. But do portable units perform as well as their stationary counterparts? The industry got shaken up a few years ago with the appearance of ”budget” models on various web shops. These machines were offered on prices even 10x lower than the standard brands. Studies in US and UK showed that these products’s radiation emission were way over limits, so additional legislation was passed on the import of portable x-ray machines. Dental x-rays are a useful dentist equipment for sale tool when helping your dentist detect damage and disease not visible during a regular dental exam. How often X-rays should be taken depends on your present oral health, your age, your risk for disease, and any signs and symptoms of oral disease. For example, children may require x-rays more often than adults because their teeth and jaws are still developing and their teeth are more likely to be affected by tooth decay than those of adults. Your dentist will review your history, examine your mouth and then decide whether or not you need x-rays.

How to Sterilize the Dental Equipment

Today’s busy dental practices face a serious challenge: to maintain or increase productivity while ensuring that patient safety remains a top priority. At times, these may seem like incompatible goals. Advances in dental equipment, however, have empowered practices to develop safer processes while realizing efficiencies and ultimately, saving money.

A cleaning and sterilization process that meets ADA and CDC guidelines is vital to an effective infection control program. Streamlining of this process requires an understanding of proper methods, materials, and devices. Many methods of instrument reprocessing are available.

Use of a complete system that encompasses and fulfills all elements that are critical maximizes efficiency and minimizes risks. Closed cassette systems provide a more efficient and safer way to process, sterilize and organize instruments in a dental office – these eliminate manual steps during instrument reprocessing such as hand scrubbing and time-consuming sorting of instruments, thereby improving safety and increasing efficiency.

Sterilization by dental autoclave in dentistry is very important, and dentists and dental assistants typically clean and disinfect most surfaces in a their offices and treatment rooms to help prevent the spread of germs.

Disposable dental supplies are also used whenever possible. Tools that are not disposable are generally scrubbed by hand and placed in a machine known as an autoclave. This machine then disinfects the tools by spraying them with very high-pressure steam, which kills most micro-organisms. Any tools that can not be subjected to high heat or moisture are usually disinfected with chemicals.

Disposable dental tools and supplies are some of the most important items when it comes to sterilization in dentistry. Some disposable dental supplies include bibs and masks wrapped in sterile packaging. Once these are used with one patient, they are simply thrown away.

Tools that can’t be thrown away, such as dental drills, are generally put through a very intensive dental sterilization process. First they are usually vigorously scrubbed by hand. This is usually done with hot water and detergent, and it helps remove any large particles, such as plaque. They may also be placed in a vibrating tray filled with cleaning solution, which can help remove very small particles.




How Can You Save Money When Buying Dental Equipment

As is the case with most things in 2016, it’s always best to purchase dental equipment online. Whether you’re buying new or used equipment, searching online allows you to learn more about each product and consider the cost benefits before settling on an option.

While finding the best equipment possible should be your top priority, you also need to consider the financial impact of these investments. Here are three important pieces of dental equipment that you should never overspend on:

Dental autoclaves are truly the backbone of any dental office, and you cannot work safely without them. All of your handheld tools need to be sterilized before they can be used, and you can end up spending way too much on these devices if you invest in a lower-tier product that constantly needs to be replaced. Searching online will allow you to find dental autoclaves that suit your specific needs, including automatic autoclaves, manual devices, and chemical autoclaves.

One of the biggest expenses you will incur as a dentist is the money you spend on replacement parts. From dental compressor parts to dental bulbs, you’ll find yourself in need of replacement equipment on a weekly basis. About 74% of adults believe an unattractive smile can hurt their success, and showing your patients “unattractive” and worn-down equipment will certainly hurt your success moving forward. Always try to keep these replacement parts as new as possible without exceeding your budget.

Dental cone beams are a fairly new technology that has revolutionized the way that dentists can treat their patients. When regular facial x-rays by dental x ray machine portable are not sufficient, you need an advanced tool that will allow you to diagnose urgent dental issues. There are two types of digital imaging systems used in intraoral radiography — computed radiography (CR) and direct radiography (DR). Purchasing dental cone beams online enables you to pick the machine that is right for your practice and avoid the dreaded “buyer’s remorse.”

Opening a dental practice is not an inexpensive task, and you’ll find yourself spending more and more money over time to sustain your success. Therefore, you should always be on the lookout for high-quality dental equipment at an affordable price.

The Four Points You Should Know When Choosing Dental Equipment Supplier

Do you want to buy the best quality dental equipment? if yes, then you should know the importance of choosing a good dental equipment supplier. Choosing the ideal dental equipment supplier is essential for getting quality products at affordable prices. You must consider the four points when choosing a dental equipment supplier:

1. Purchasing Convenience

If you’re looking for a dental equipment supply company, find one that offers convenient purchasing options. Do you like to shop online for the equipment that you’re looking for? Online shopping can make the experience convenient as long as there are payment options available to fit your needs. Catalogs are also ideal, but they don’t always list the most up to date information about the available products. Consider the way you like to shop and if the supply company offers that option for you before you make your final decision.

2. Quality is the first priority

Not surprisingly, dentists invest in the best quality dental instruments as it determines the quality of patient care. Dentists choose the best teeth whitening lamp, sterilizers, dental air compressor, amalgamators, drills, dental suction unit and other tools they need.

Prior to the purchase, a lot of research goes into finding the right supplier to compare costs, support and service and select the ones that suit their needs. These days, much of this research can be accomplished via the internet. Although it is easy to get brochures describing the various instruments, Dentists prefer to check the dental instruments personally before they decide to purchase them.

3. Knowledge and Expertise

One of the most important things you’ll want to consider when choosing a supplier is the knowledge and expertise of the staff. When you call them, can they answer all of your questions about the products they offer? Do they instill a sense of confidence in you by being experts about the products they sell? The workers should be knowledgeable about their products so you call anytime and get answers to any of the questions you have.

4. Inventory

When choosing a dental equipment supplier, you want to choose one that has the products that they offer in their inventory. When you call for a particular piece of equipment, it can be frustrating if they don’t have it in their inventory when you need it. It can be even more frustrating if that happens all the time. Ask your potential dental equipment suppliers if they have all of their items in stock most of the time or if they have to get them from somewhere else. If they have to go somewhere else to get the supplies, you should choose a different supplier.


The Forecasts of China’s Dental Equipment and Supplies Industry

In the two past decades, the industry has been growing at a fast pace. The dramatic expansions of the manufacturing capabilities and rising consumer consumptions in China have transformed China’s society and economy. China is one of the world’s major producers for industrial and consumer products. Far outpacing other economies in the world, China is the world’s fastest growing market for the consumptions of goods and services.

The Chinese economy maintains a high speed growth which has been stimulated by the consecutive increases of industrial output, imports & exports, consumer consumption and capital investment for over two decades. Rapid consolidation between medium and large players is anticipated since the Chinese government has been encouraging industry consolidation with an effort to regulate the industry and to improve competitiveness in the world market.

Air Techniques was started over 50 years ago with the goal of making the highest-quality, longest-lasting, hardest-working compressors and vacuums that meet the unique needs of dental offices. They still regularly hear from dentists who have their AirStar compressors or VacStar vacuum systems (or their predecessors) that were purchased and installed many, many years ago—but are still hard at work today.  So Air Techniques wants to know—where are our old reliable workhorse units?  And Air Tech wants to reward those dentists who have these long-running dental compressors and vacuum systems, and the service technicians who keep them running.

Although China has enjoyed the benefits of an expanding market for production and distribution, the industry is suffering from minimal innovation and investment in R&D and new product development. The sector’s economies of scale have yet to be achieved. Most domestic manufacturers lack the autonomic intellectual property and financial resources to develop their own brand name products.

This new study focuses on industry trends and forecasts with historical data (2005, 2010 and 2015) and long-term forecasts through 2020 and 2025 are presented.

The primary and secondary research of dental equipment is done in China in order to access up-to-date government regulations, market information and industry data. Data were collected from the Chinese government publications, Chinese language newspapers and magazines, industry associations, local governments’ industry bureaus, industry publications, and our in-house databases.

Four Things You Should Know Before Buying Dental Equipment

1.The three-month rule
Tax implications of dental equipment online purchases are significant and should be factored into the decision-making process in a timely manner. Meet with your accountant midyear to track your practice income and estimate end-of-year tax implications. Allow three months to research, view demonstrations from viable vendors, and review pricing quotes before making major equipment purchases of more than $20,000.

2.Investing in core dental function vs. trendy developments
Most last-second impulse purchases involve the latest gadget to create a “buzz” in the profession. Trendy products have a mixed record of success in long-term use and value. Investments in the “less-glamorous” category of core dental function can be a safe and wise investment in the future productivity of your facility. An easily understood analogy is how fathers and teenage sons maintain automobiles.

3.Equipment discounts and trade show specials
I have written about this topic several times and I am always surprised that most doctors remain unaware of the typical pricing structure and product distribution logistics for major pieces of dental equipment.
Manufacturers such as A-dec, Pelton and Crane, Air Techniques, and Sirona distribute their products through networks of resellers. Many manufacturers are very cautious about which resellers they approve to sell and service their products.

4.New facility equipment purchases and “free design”
There are 254 IKEA stores in 34 countries, including 34 locations in the United States. To quote their Web site, the IKEA business idea is to offer a wide range of home furnishings with good design and function at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them – and still have money left!

See more dental consumables for sale and dental lab equipment online at