Ways To Improve the Efficiency of Air Compressor

Air Compressor is used throughout many modern laundering facilities, and goes unnoticed until there is a problem. A closer look at the air compressors in most laundry facilities reveals many simple opportunities to make quick, high impact changes that will lower power costs and keep air-powered equipment operating reliably. A systematic approach helps uncover the best steps to take based on the current situation.

Depending on the size of the operation, top-performing laundering facilities require a compressor between 5 and 15 horsepower. Air compressor manufacturers rate their equipment based on both the horsepower and air capacity (cfm or l/min). To get an idea of the actual cost to operate an dental air compressor, users are left to interpret the horsepower rating of each dental equipment.

dental air compressor

For instance, why does one five horsepower compressor cost about a third as much as another? A close examination of the motor nameplate and air capacity of each quickly reveals that the two compressors are not really alike. To obtain the real cost of operation, examining the motor nameplate is a good place to start. The nameplate will reveal the voltage, operating amperes, nominal efficiency and power factor and the service factor of the motor.

Smile Confidently With Dental Implant Motor

Implantable Dental Motor restoring your perfect mouth state

The dental implant motor is a kind of dental implant machine which is often used in dental implant treatment.

dental implant machine

About Its Material and Methods

Patient population

Sixty-one implants were inserted in 7 adult patients (4 female and 3 male; age range 38 to 62 years). All patients were free of any medical conditions interfering with implant treatment. Five (71.43%) patients were smokers and 2 (28.58%) were nonsmokers. All patients had been referred from general dentists and were not previously treated for periodontal disease at the time of the first examination.


Each patient underwent a comprehensive dental and periodontal examination. Periodontal charting included documentation of probing depths, recessions, clinical attachment levels, bleeding on probing, tooth mobility, furcation involvement, and plaque scores. Periodontitis was diagnosed in the presence of more than 4 sites with clinical attachment loss exceeding 4 mm, radiographic evidence of alveolar bone loss, and bleeding on probing. Impressions for diagnostic casts were taken and a panoramic radiograph was obtained. Casts were mounted on a semi-adjustable articulator after face-bow transfer and check-bite registration.

An occlusal analysis was performed, diagnostic wax-ups were prepared on the articulated casts, and restorative treatment needs determined. Once the restorative and periodontal treatment plans were established, radiographic and surgical guides were fabricated to facilitate implant placement. Table 1 shows the patient treatment plan and time schedule.

Periodontal treatment

Periodontal treatment, including surgical treatment if necessary, had been performed previously on all patients.

Implant selection

Unless outlined differently, cylindrical screw implants with a large-grit sandblasted and acid-etched surface and either a 1.8-mm or a 2.8-mm smooth neck were used (ITI Straumann Standard Plus with a 1.8-mm smooth neck; (ITI Straumann Standard with 2.8-mm smooth neck)Implant size was determined based on assessment with a panoramic radiograph taken with a radiographic stent in place, and a clinical examination.


Do You Know What Is The Marathon Micro Motor Handpiece

The marathon micro motor  machine  is an instrument made with motor to use like the pencil and used for working with the turning force from the revolving motor up to 35000 rpm. And it is applied to cutting, grinding, polishing. The use of various burs according to the material and working way are available. The products are mainly used for dental laboratory and dental clinic. The use range has been expanded gradually for Jewelry, Nail, Engraving, orthopedics, Industry market, beauty wood carving, egg carving etc.
Marathon micro motor handpiece has many types. One of it is the dental micro motor handpiece.
Marathon micro motor handpiece
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brushless micro motor dental
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Some Information about Dental Implant Surface

Dental root form implants are manufactured from a highgrade titanium alloy, the surface of which consists of a micro layer of titanium oxide. The implant surface can also be treated by plasma spraying, acid etching, sandblasting or coated with HA. The removal of plaque and calculus deposits from these implant surfaces with Dental Instruments designed originally for cleaning natural tooth surfaces can result in major alterations to the delicate titanium oxide layer. Altering the surface topography by roughening the surface may enhance calculus and bacterial plaque accumulation.

Resulting scratches, cuts or gouges may also reduce the corrosion resistancy of titanium, and corrosion and mechanical debris can accumulate in the surrounding tissue. The aim of procedures for debriding dental implants should be to remove microbial and other soft deposits, without altering the implant surface, and thereby adversely affect biocompatibility. Increased surface roughness can lead to an increase in bacterial accumulation and resultant soft tissue inflammation. Because of the critical nature of the implant/soft tissue relationship, metal ultrasonic scaler tips, hand scalers or curettes should not be used as they have been shown to significantly alter the titanium surface.

Current methods for professional cleaning of implant or titanium transmucosal elements include the set of plastic ultrasonic tips( ultrasonic scaler ) or hand instruments followed by the prophy cup polishing method or various types of floss and buffing strips. The design of the permanently cemented super structure often does not allow adequate access for the prophy cup, especially in interproximal areas, and plastic instruments are not very efficient for the removal of plaque or mineralized deposits. In addition, the prophy cup and paste method may leave residual paste at the implant/soft tissue interface area.

Airpolishing consists of directing, water, air and sodium bicarbonate towards the tooth or implant surface, resulting in efficient removal of bacterial plaque and soft mineralized deposits. The residual powder is biocompatible and being soluble is not retained at the implant/soft tissue interface( dental implant machine ).

Two airpolishing systems are currently available. One system, typically available on the Dentsply Prophyjet? and Cavijet,? the EMS Airflow, and the Satelec units, delivers the air and powder, typically at 60-80 psi pressure through one nozzel and the water through a separate concentric nozzel. Some mixing of the streams takes place at the interface of the streams, but the centre of the stream consists essentially of dry powder. This “Biphasic” stream is directed at the tooth or implant surface. Several studies have investigated this system, and its effects on implant surfaces, and conclude that this system can result in significant changes to the implant surface.

How to Get Perfect Smile by Cosmetic Dentists

Many celebrities have felt the need to transform their smiles into bright white and perfectly straight smiles. However, there are those of you out there that would prefer to have cosmetic dentistry done but of a type that is not too obvious and has certain irregularities that make the smile appear stunning but at the same time very natural. Advance techniques can now create new smiles to suit you. It involves many aspects of cosmetic dentistry and starts with detailed treatment planning of your mouth, teeth and smile.

The main essence of the technique is in the “Trial Smile” created that allows you to “wear and try-out” the new smile. The Trial Smile is created so that it resembles the finished smile perfectly. The only difference being that it is not created out of porcelain. This gives you a unique opportunity to critique your new smile. Any changes you wish are incorporated into the new and final smile. This gives you a huge amount of control on how your final teeth will look.

Make sure you know about the any diagnosis & treatment plans, including what needs to be done before or after the treatment procedures. Don’t hesitate to ask if there is any alternative treatment; just ensure that you are thorough enough to make an informed decision about your treatment options. Sometimes you may find a little hard when it comes to choosing materials for the use of fillings, restorations, transplants and enameling as there are a lot of options available to most dentists. It’s a good idea if you go for porcelain material since material based on dental vibrator are hardly used today.

There are some factors you need to evaluate as well as prepare for. For instance, once you get over the procedures of veneer; you require wearing protective guard in your mouth during night time ensuring their longevity & to prevent from damage. However, they are not complete replacements for damaged or discolored enamel, and can be fragile when compared to natural tooth material and that of a porcelain crowns. Restoration is a part of cosmetic treatment, so you should make sure to have a right choice of color as well as shape that you will want to keep in the long term.

Cosmetic dentists can fulfill all your cosmetic requirements on dental curing light. They can help you in achieving the perfect smile that you always wanted to have.Teeth whitening are another procedure that involves in the cosmetic dentistry and this procedure have become very common and popular among the people today. Work involves in cosmetic dentist is complex but dentist will ensure performing their best to give you the best outcomes you want to achieve. Get the perfect smile you want to achieve with the help of cosmetic dentist.

The Ways about How to Use Storage to Control Compressed Air Costs

There are many ways to use storage in a compressed air system to improve the performance and repeatability of production equipment. No one method is a total solution. Some industry professionals will tell you that storage is not required for certain types of compressors.

The system, however, can not afford the impact on either performance or operating costs. The alternative to applying storage is to operate at higher pressures with more power all of the time in order to support critical applications and the peak air demand experienced in the system.

There are six basic areas where storage should be properly engineered and applied in the system. These are:

Dedicated storage to improve the speed, thrust, or torque of an application.
Dedicated storage to protect a critical application from pressure fluctuations.
Dedicated storage to meter a high rate of flow application into the system.
General or overhead storage to support applications during the transmission time to the supply side and to create transparency between applications.
Control storage to support events in the system within an allowable pressure drop.
Off line, higher pressure air stored to support large system events and reduce peak electrical demand.

There are a few fundamental principles which must be discussed to understand when and how to apply storage in the system:

First, the article pressure in a system is the terminating pressure at the actual inlet connection to the device. It is not at the regulator or the header, so when someone says they have to have 90 psig for a particular device, it is very important to know where they are monitoring that pressure. This appears to be a small distinction but it makes a huge difference in what is required to support the article.
Second, the purpose of the system is to deliver the required mass of air to the article within the required time. Compressed air travels at a limited velocity inside the system determined by the pressure differential that exists. At 1 psid, this velocity is approximately 250 feet/second which means if the dental air compressors are more than 250 feet away, they won’t see an event which is less than 1 second duration until after it is complete. If you forget to consider time, the value of these storage concepts will be very difficult to grasp.
Third, the primary formula for applying useful storage or capacitance is the capacity to store times the allowable pressure drop. For example, if I have a 660-gallon tank and I can afford to allow the pressure to drop 10 psi then the useful storage is calculated as: (660 gallons / 7.48 gallons/cubic foot) / 14.5 psia = 6.07sscf / psi x 10 psi = 60.7 scf of usable stored air.


The Modern Technology of Dental Implant

The primary use of dental implants is to support dental prosthetics. Modern dental implants make use of osseointegration, the biologic process where bone fuses tightly to the surface of specific materials such as titanium and some ceramics. The integration of implant and bone can support physical loads for decades without failure.

For individual tooth replacement, an implant abutment is first secured to the implant with an abutment screw. A crown (the dental prosthesis) is then connected to the abutment with dental cement, a small screw, or fused with the abutment as one piece during fabrication. Dental implants, in the same way, can also be used to retain a multiple tooth dental prosthesis either in the form of a fixed bridge or removable dentures.

Dental Laboratories and dental technicians( dental laboratory equipment ) often work behind the scene with the dentist and/or the specialist and are an integral part of the treatment process for patients. A thorough understanding of patients’ anatomical limitations during treatment planning is essential, as is recommending and implementing the appropriate impression/transfer techniques, abutment design, and restoration design.

The modern dental laboratory, armed with a dental technician with the appropriate knowledge, skill, and experience can provide implant restorations in a financially, technically and esthetically predictable manner, delivering the highest standard of patient care.

In order to improve the predictability of any treatment outcome, it is critical to understand whether the patient’s anatomy, bone, and soft tissue, is favorable for esthetic integration. Dr. John Kois has noted that the patients’ presenting situation is the most important factor in determining whether an optimum esthetic result can be achieved.

As every situation is different, it is important for the patient to realize that compromises to the way the teeth look may still occur. Considerations that may compromise the symmetry of an attractive smile may include medical and/or dental history, gum, bone or existing teeth.

An implant supported bridge (or fixed denture) is a group of teeth secured to dental implants so the prosthetic cannot be removed by the user. Bridges typically connect to more than one implant and may also connect to teeth as anchor points. Typically the number of teeth will outnumber the anchor points with the teeth that are directly over the implants referred to as abutments and those between abutments referred to as pontics. Implant supported bridges attach to implant abutments in the same way as a single tooth implant replacement by dental implant machine. A fixed bridge may replace as few as two teeth (also known as a fixed partial denture) and may extend to replace an entire arch of teeth (also known as a fixed full denture). In both cases, the prosthesis is said to be fixed because it cannot be removed by the denture wearer.


The Information about Dental Air Cleaning

The air in dental surgeries has a variety of microbiological particulates and aerosols generated from ultrasonic scaler and high-speed drills. They vary in size from 0.5 to 5 microns in diameter and can remain airborne for many hours.

Dentists and their staff can easily inhale the viruses and bacteria contained within the aerosols, with facemasks offering no protection against this fine particulate pollution. Capturing these microorganisms reduces the risk of cross-infection – for the patient, the dentist and the team.

Dental Surgeries use chemical disinfectants to decontaminate hands, surfaces and instruments. While eliminating viruses, germs and fungal spores, disinfectants often contain toxic agents such as aldehydes (formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde) or phenol. Continuous low-level exposure to aldehydes can have negative health effects, such as breathing difficulties, memory impairment, eye and skin irritation and irregular heartbeat. Toxic compounds such as isopropanol, ethanol and n-propanol can also cause irritation of the respiratory tract and the mucous membranes.

Mercury Vapours

Recent research studies have found that both dentists and their staff have a higher than average level of mercury in their body. Mercury is used in the amalgam for routine dental fillings. Mercury transforms from a solid to a gas at room temperature. The gas (which is the most easily absorbed type of mercury) can be inhaled when amalgam is placed in the mouth or removed. Mercury is highly toxic and humans should not be exposed to it.

With this news and patients becoming more health conscious, requests for amalgam removals by dental amalgamator are rising steadily. It is therefore now more important than ever, for dentists to protect themselves and their team from this harmful substance.

Dental Air Conditioning

It is now commonplace for dentists to have air-conditioning systems installed. These installation systems are, however, often a source of contamination themselves, either because they are equipped with less then adequate filtration or because they are drawing in polluted air from outside without filtering it sufficiently. Indoor air contamination can be many times greater than external conditions, and dental air cleaning is required.

Prompted by an ever growing number of dentist offices as customers, Commercial Air Filtration specifies the IQAir Dental Series which has been developed to provide a flexible, cost effective, silent and low maintenance air cleaning solution for dental practices.

The Scientific Explanation of Dental Amalgam

Elemental mercury is the primary component of dental amalgam. Mercury is a naturally occurring metal in the environment and can exist in liquid, gas or solid form when combined with other metals. Everyone is exposed to mercury through air, drinking water, soil and food. The concern is how much mercury exposure is too much before becoming mercury poisoning, and are mercury levels increasing as a result of interactions with other elements in the environment?

Mercury is released into the environment whenever a dentist removes an old amalgam filling from a cavity, or when excess amalgam is removed during the placement of a new filling. There is a concern that low levels of vapor can be inhaled and absorbed by the lungs even years after an amalgam filling is placed in a patient’s mouth, potentially causing long-term damage to the brain and kidneys. Due to the lack of scientific data surrounding this concern, little has been done over the years to limit the use and/or disposal of dental amalgam.

In 2009, the FDA issued a final rule that classified dental amalgam (dental amalgamator) as a Class II device accompanied by a document that designates special controls for dental amalgam. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and the EPA have established mercury exposure levels aimed at protecting the most mercury-sensitive populations from the adverse effects of mercury vapor, namely pregnant women, developing fetuses and all children under 6 years old.

It is understood that a number of dental offices may already have an amalgam separator in place, whether to comply with existing state or local amalgam regulations, or because they voluntarily installed an amalgam separator. According to the new EPA ruling, dental offices with existing amalgam separators will not be penalized as long as the separator is certified to remove 95% of total mercury.

The EPA will not require existing separators that still have a remaining useful life to be retrofitted with a new separator, because of the additional costs incurred by dental facilities that proactively installed an amalgam separator ahead of the EPA’s proposed requirements, and because of the additional solid waste that would be generated by disposing of the existing separators.

As long as offices with existing separators continue to properly operate and maintain the separator and comply with BMPs and recordkeeping requirements, these offices will be deemed in compliance with the new ruling until ten years from the effective date of the final rule.


How to Choose the Best Dental X-ray Machine

Dental X-rays are one of the most important part of your regular dental treatment. Your dentist uses the specialized imaging technology to look for hidden tooth decay – also called cavities – and can show dental issues such as abscessed teeth, dental tumors, and cysts. The purpose of these machines is to see things that are not visible by visual examination of the mouth alone. Dentists can use the images produced to see the teeth as well as the bones and soft tissues around them. Finding cavities, examining teeth roots, viewing tooth development, and checking the underlying bone health are all functions performed by various dental x ray machines.

When contemplating the change to digital dental in your practice, the choices can be confusing for the dentist. Dental radiography has evolved from film and chemical developers into a highly technical process that involves various types of digital x-ray machines, as well as powerful dental software programs to assist the dentist with image acquisition and diagnostic analysis of the acquired images. When making the decision to purchase x-ray equipment, the doctor needs to research the available options thoroughly, in order to make an informed choice for the “right” machine for his or her practice.

The first question that a doctor should ask themselves is, “What is the main type of treatment that I provide my patients?” If you are a general practitioner, a standard 2D panorex will provide all of the imaging requirements needed for such treatments as caries detection, diagnosis of TMJ issues, OPG images, and images of the patients entire detention in a single x-ray. Many of the newer 2D panoramic units also offer extraoral bitewing imaging capability, which allows the dentist to obtain a bitewing image without putting a sensor or periapical film inside of the patient’s mouth.

The orthodontist requires a way to obtain the size and form of craniofacial structures in the patient. For this reason, a cephalometric extension on the imaging x-ray device is necessary to acquire images that evaluate the five components of the face, the cranium and cranial base, the skeletal maxillae, the skeletal mandible, and maxillary dentition. The cephalometric attachment offers images such as frontal AP and lateral cephs.

If the practice is concentrated in endodontic and implant treatment, then a CBCT machine is the most practical method of providing the doctor with diagnostic tools such as mandibular canal location, surgical guides, and pre-surgical treatment planning with the assistance of powerful 3D dental software applications. The patient is benefited by the reduced radiation exposure provided by these machines.