What’s the Effective Way to Keep Healthy Teeth

The dental diseases like tooth decay and gum disease are some of the most common human dental problems. The dental problems are the most common health problems that are experienced by us nowadays. Poor nutrition is always the best result of dental problems. However, the dental problems like bad breath and dry mouth are the symptoms of various other serious health problems.

Teeth whitening or teeth bleaching( teeth whitening lamp ) used to be something only the rich or famous used as the cost ran into thousands of pounds or dollars. As the industry progressed, dentists started using laser treatment, but this was still relatively expensive. Then home teeth whitening kits and systems came out onto the market at a fraction of the cost.

You can now get white teeth’s faster by using high quality health products. Today’s products would help enhance your white and bright smile. People now and then have to face a lot of dental problems that they frequently undergo expensive dental professional services. However, finding the right dental lab can also be tricky at times as there are so many labs to offer dental care to people. A good dental lab would possess all the latest dental lab equipment to ensure that consumers are given high quality treatment with dental handpiece.

Even tooth whitening should be discussed with your dentist. You may be a good candidate for an in-office whitening procedure that will give you bright white results in a fraction of the time a whitening tooth paste could take. This is especially useful if you want your pearly whites even whiter for a special occasion. Your dentist can let you know what options are available at their office such as a laser whitening treatment or bleaching, or they can recommend an over the counter product that is best suited for your needs.

The most advanced looking space-age technology based toothbrush may still not provide for you the cleaning your mouth needs for healthy teeth and gums. Before investing in a really cool looking toothbrush that you think will blast away food particles and plaque, talk to your dentist to get his or her recommendation on the best toothbrush that is perfectly suited for you. Your dentist can also recommend the right toothpaste and floss to partner with your toothbrush. In all, you may not need to spend a lot of money on fancy products.


5 preguntas sobre el blanqueamiento dentales

5 preguntas (con respuesta) sobre el blanqueamiento dental

Te contamos algunos de los secretos de esta técnica, una de las más demandadas para conseguir una sonrisa radiante

Una sonrisa bonita, blanca y radiante, es, nadie lo duda, una buena carta de presentación. Pero lo cierto es que, en gran medida, tener o no unos dientes bonitos depende de cuestiones genéticas. “El tono viene determinado por el color de la dentina. Se oscurece porque al envejecer el esmalte se hace más traslúcido y, además, influyen mucho los hábitos alimenticios que tengamos, además del hecho de si somos o no fumadores”, nos explican los especialistas de la Clínica Smylife.

Precisamente para ‘mejorar’ esos pequeños problemas estéticos que nos podemos encontrar relacionados con nuestra boca, hay multitud de opciones. Y una de las más demandadas, y que no hay duda que está de moda, son los blanqueamientos dentales. ¿Tienes claro en qué consiste? Vamos a intentar darte las claves de este tratamiento y, tal vez, la mejor manera es respondiendo a una serie de preguntas básicas sobre este tratamiento.
1. ¿Se daña el esmalte?
Una de las dudas que surge es si el esmalte sufre con estos procesos de blanqueamiento. En la Clínica Rosales, donde suele acudir Paula Echevarría a cuidar su sonrisa, aclaran que el esmalte permanece intacto, algo que pueden afirmar basándose en la experiencia, tras años de estudios y de su propia práctica. Así, explican que a los dientes no les sucede nada, salvo cierta sensibilidad post-tratamiento.

2. ¿Cuáles son las técnicas más utilizadas?
Lo más habitual es utilizar una técnica mixta, es decir, con tratamiento en la clínica y en casa, como nos explican en Smylife. En la clínica se aplica el producto blanqueante, que se activa mediante una lámpara LED, que lo que hace es abrir el poro del esmalte, para conseguir así blanquear la dentina. Normalmente requiere de unas dos o tres sesiones, depende de cada caso, de aproximadamente unos 20 minutos. Luego, hay que hacer un recordatorio del tratamiento en casa, por medio de unas férulas con producto que han de ponerse durante dos o tres noches para dormir, o bien durante unas horas por la tarde.

3. ¿Es un tratamiento doloroso? ¿Qué cuidados debemos tener después de realizar el blanqueamiento?
No es doloroso, pero sí que da sensibilidad al diente, una sensación que va desapareciendo en las 72 horas posteriores al tratamiento. Esos tres días posteriores son importantes para lograr un mejor resultado, y por eso en esas 72 horas hay que tener especial cuidado con la higiene y, en Smylife, recomiendan seguir una dieta ‘blanca’, es decir, que evite aquellos alimentos que provoquen tinción.
4. ¿Se lo puede realizar cualquier persona o existe algún tipo de contraindicación?
En cualquier persona que tenga la boca sana, es decir, sin caries y que no tenga sensibilidad dental, porque el tratamiento la puede incrementar.

5. ¿Es eficaz en todos los tipos de manchas que se pueden presentar en los dientes?
No. Los mejores resultados se obtienen en los dientes que, con el paso de los años, amarillean o que tienen ese tono natural. En tinciones más intensas (tonos anaranjados o grises), se puede conseguir aclarar el diente, aunque depende de la tonalidad y ha de ser valorado por el especialista, porque en los casos más severos no siempre se consiguen resultados tan satisfactorios. Las manchas provocadas por las tetraciclinas, un medicamento, dan un tono grisáceo al diente que no se puede blanquear. En ese caso habría que recurrir a otras opciones, como carillas, fundas o coronas.


limpiador ultrasónico odontológico

lampara led para blanqueamiento dental

Should Your Next Curing Light Be an Online Bargain?

LY® Dental Curing Light Wireless LED 1500mw Lamp

Inexpensive, cordless LED curing lights for sale are flooding online shopping sites, and clinicians are asking if they are
worth the minimal investment. In August, CR scientists purchased every unit they could find that was priced less
than $100—eleven total. The following observations were made.
• All arrived in working order and emitted bright blue light.
• Brand names did not match online information; private labeling was obvious.
• There were no manufacturer names or contact information, only online sellers and distributors.
• All had foreign origins and provided little or no local technical support.
• User instructions were poorly translated or missing.
• Many components were generic and fit poorly or were flimsy.
• None had basic electrical or medical product safety certifications.
The following report shows the features and performance of 11 inexpensive LED curing lights and compares them to premium lights with
proven clinical performance.

Related goods:best dental ultrasonic scaler for sale

Which Dental Tools Are Better for Cleaning Your Teeth?

Which is better for cleaning your teeth: dental ultrasonic scaler or dental hand tools? In the following you will get answer.

Dental plaque (a film of bacteria that forms on your teeth) is known to be the main cause of periodontal (gum) disease. When the bacteria settle on your teeth they form a whitish film called biofilm. Those that are not removed cause formation of “pockets,” areas of separation between the teeth and their surrounding gums, in which plaque hardens into deposits known as calculus or tartar. The purpose of having your teeth cleaned regularly by a trained professional hygienist is to remove deposits of plaque and calculus. Removal of hard deposits on your teeth is called “scaling.” This can be done either by using hand-held scalers or by newer technology: ultrasonic power scalers.

Let’s take a look at the strengths and weaknesses of both types of dental equipment.

Power Scalers
How they work: These instruments use the energy of ultrasonic vibration to crush and remove hard, calcified deposits of calculus. They also create shockwaves that disrupt bacterial cells. Use of these tools includes washing and flushing the pockets and any exposed root surfaces with water.

Pros: They are as effective as manual instruments for calculus removal in shallow gum pockets and significantly more effective in pockets greater than 4mm. They are very effective in removing calculus from root surfaces and from within periodontal pockets. Their small tips can penetrate deeper into periodontal pockets than manual instruments and are more comfortable to experience, and they are more effective for cleaning difficult nooks and crannies. Coolant sprays flush the area and remove bacteria and their by-products. They require less time than manual instruments.

Cons: A contaminated mist may form so that the hygienist needs to wear protective equipment. The vibration of the ultrasonic instruments may make it difficult to feel if the root surface is completely smooth and free of calculus. Power scalers affect some heart pacemakers.

Conventional Hand-held Scalers
How they work: These depend on the skill and knowledge of the hygienist to manipulate them and scrape away calculus (tartar) from teeth and within pockets.

Pros: They are equally effective for plaque and calculus removal from shallow gum pockets. They do not interfere with electronic equipment like heart pacemakers. They can be used more easily on teeth in which there are areas of demineralization (areas where minerals have been removed from the tooth’s enamel, making it more vulnerable to decay). They are easier on the tooth’s surface and are thus better for use with porcelain or composite restoration, or sensitive teeth.

Cons: They take longer to complete a cleaning. Sometimes they cause more discomfort than ultrasonic scalers.

In most cases the choice of scalers is not really an either/or situation. Most experts say that the best results come through using both types of instruments. As a result, cleanings can be done with effective and efficient outcomes and greater patient comfort.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment to discuss your questions about dental cleanings. You can also learn more by reading the Dear Doctor magazine article, “Dental Cleanings Using Ultrasonic Scalers.”

More teeth whitening related goods such as dental led whitening machine or best dental curing light at oyodental.com.
