Reasons to Upgrade to a Dental X-ray Machine(一)

In most cases digital x-ray machines require less radiation to capture the same image than a traditional film x-ray unit. Digital portable dental x rays machine also has a drastically reduced exposure time in comparison and do not require as many scans to capture the necessary view. This means patients are exposed to less radiation and a more pleasant office visit experience. You’ll end up with shorter wait times and happier patients. With more advanced digital imaging technology, scan times continue to shrink, and you can see almost immediately if you captured what you need to see.

portable dental x rays machine

Digital x-rays are much more eco-friendly

We can’t forget the burden the chemicals needed to develop x-ray film place on the environment. Imagine all those harmful chemicals lying around. What happens to them after you dispose of them? No matter “how safe” you are told the disposal process is, they don’t just go away, nor does their impact on the environment.

Film portable dental x ray unit cost you valuable time.

Film radiography is an entire process alongside the actual scan. There are specific steps for film to be developed. With digital radiography all of these steps can be done away with, freeing you and your staff up to see more patients. Think of it this way. It takes around 10-18 minutes for a traditional portable dental x ray unit to be produced, from initial scan to development. Let’s pretend you average 8 patients a day, and assume all images come out perfectly every time with no need for rescan. That means in total, your practice has spent anywhere from 1.5-2 hours in simply developing and production of x-ray films. That’s potentially 1-2 more patients that your practice could see! Of course this also does not include the time it takes to compute these images.

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Better Image Quality and Manipulation make for better diagnoses

Analog x-ray imaging systems are workhorses that continue to produce quality images. However, just as camera lenses have advanced rapidly in the past decade (think about the quality of your camera phone!) so too have digital x-ray sensors. They continue to become sensitive enough to reduce exposure times, while still capturing an image that can be enhanced and altered to best display exactly the information you need to diagnose your patient. Whereas for film, though their quality is still perfectly adequate, there’s no way to enhance images. It can take several scans before a doctor can confidently and accurately make a buy dental equipment online plan based on traditional analog film x-rays. And as we’ve already pointed out above, rescanning with a film x-ray is much more of a hassle than a digital x-ray.

Making an adjustment and rescanning is simple and hassle free. Rather than sending patients away while x-rays develop, dentists can almost instantly see their digital images, cutting down on the time your patients impatiently sit around in the office. The convenience of capturing another image right then and there results in much happier and satisfied patients, eliminates any potential guesswork, and rapidly improves practice efficiency by streamlining the entire portable dental x rays machine process.


You Want to Know Something About Dental X-Rays

There are two main types of dental x-rays: intraoral (meaning the x-ray film is inside the mouth) and extraoral (meaning the x-ray film is outside the mouth). Intraoral x-rays are the most common type of dental x-ray taken. These x-rays provide a lot of detail and allow your dentist to find cavities, check the health of the tooth root and bone surrounding the tooth, check the status of developing teeth, and monitor the general health of your teeth and jawbone. Extraoral x-rays show teeth, but their main focus is the jaw and skull. A new set of portable dental x rays machine may be needed to help your dentist detect any new cavities, determine the status of your gum health or evaluate the growth and development of your teeth.

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If a previous dentist has any radiographs of you, your new dentist may ask you for copies of them. Ask both dentists to help you with forwarding your x-rays. These x-rays do not provide the detail found with intraoral x-rays and therefore are not used for detecting cavities or for identifying problems with individual teeth. Instead, extraoral x-rays are used to look for impacted teeth, monitor growth and development of the jaws in relation to the teeth, and to identify potential problems between teeth and jaws and the temporomandibular joint (TMJ, see temporomandibular disorders for more information) or other bones of the face. If you are a new patient, the dentist may recommend x-rays to determine the present status of your oral health and have a baseline to help identify changes that may occur later. The high cost of x-ray units makes them economically out of reach for some practices, particularly those in rural areas with small patient bases or in developing countries.

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Fortunately, portable radiography systems can bring these services to practices that lack them. But do portable units perform as well as their stationary counterparts? The industry got shaken up a few years ago with the appearance of ”budget” models on various web shops. These machines were offered on prices even 10x lower than the standard brands. Studies in US and UK showed that these products’s radiation emission were way over limits, so additional legislation was passed on the import of portable x-ray machines. Dental x-rays are a useful dentist equipment for sale tool when helping your dentist detect damage and disease not visible during a regular dental exam. How often X-rays should be taken depends on your present oral health, your age, your risk for disease, and any signs and symptoms of oral disease. For example, children may require x-rays more often than adults because their teeth and jaws are still developing and their teeth are more likely to be affected by tooth decay than those of adults. Your dentist will review your history, examine your mouth and then decide whether or not you need x-rays.

Dental Implants – Will They Do the Work?

The niche of dentistry along with the technology that is put to use by the dentists is developing at an alarming pace. There was a time when the commoners had to opt for removable dentures, if they lost their teeth. Times are changing and now we have access to dental implants. What is dental implant motor? What are the various kinds of dental implants? Can I opt for this procedure if I lose a couple of teeth? The queries posed to cosmetic dentists in the real world as well as in the virtual world (internet discussion forums) are also increasing. If you are in need of a dental-implant, the first thing you must be doing is to fix an appointment with the local dentist. Sometimes, expert cosmetic dentists can rectify minor problems with the use of ulterior technology.

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A dentist will examine the patient thoroughly. He will also employ advanced technologies that will generate portable dental x rays machine images of the jawbone and the gums. All these are required to determine the type of dental implant, which will work out to be highly feasible for the patient. Yes, the ‘one size fits all’ paradigm does not work out over here. Many patients would shun away from dental-implant procedures because of the pains. However, you must realize that you are in safe hands. An expert dentist will employ the least painful procedures. I am not stating that the procedure is painless. In the words of expert dentists, dental implants might cause ‘minor discomforts’. Once the process is completed, the dentist might ask the patient to seek respite on painkiller prescriptions. Do not worry, the dentist will provide the same. The healing period varies greatly – if you follow the guidelines cited by the dentist, it will take a maximum of three to four weeks for the pain to subside. I understand that many readers might have various notions when it comes to the success rates of dental implants.

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You must shed the belief that this is a new technology. Dental-implantation procedures have been in existence since some years. Throughout these years, dentists have perfected the niche. Hence, the success rate of dental implant procedure is 90 to 95 percent. Does that make you feel better? I do realize that you might have numerous queries surfacing in your mind right now. The best person, who can give you satisfactory answers, is none other than your dentist. It is important to find the right kind of dentist who is well versed with dental implants. Someone who utilizes the latest techniques will be your best bet. The internet is a good place to initiate the search for the finest cosmetic dentists. You must also consider the number of sittings (appointments) with the dentist.

How to Choose the Best Dental X-ray Machine

Dental X-rays are one of the most important part of your regular dental treatment. Your dentist uses the specialized imaging technology to look for hidden tooth decay – also called cavities – and can show dental issues such as abscessed teeth, dental tumors, and cysts. The purpose of these machines is to see things that are not visible by visual examination of the mouth alone. Dentists can use the images produced to see the teeth as well as the bones and soft tissues around them. Finding cavities, examining teeth roots, viewing tooth development, and checking the underlying bone health are all functions performed by various dental x ray machines.

When contemplating the change to digital dental in your practice, the choices can be confusing for the dentist. Dental radiography has evolved from film and chemical developers into a highly technical process that involves various types of digital x-ray machines, as well as powerful dental software programs to assist the dentist with image acquisition and diagnostic analysis of the acquired images. When making the decision to purchase x-ray equipment, the doctor needs to research the available options thoroughly, in order to make an informed choice for the “right” machine for his or her practice.

The first question that a doctor should ask themselves is, “What is the main type of treatment that I provide my patients?” If you are a general practitioner, a standard 2D panorex will provide all of the imaging requirements needed for such treatments as caries detection, diagnosis of TMJ issues, OPG images, and images of the patients entire detention in a single x-ray. Many of the newer 2D panoramic units also offer extraoral bitewing imaging capability, which allows the dentist to obtain a bitewing image without putting a sensor or periapical film inside of the patient’s mouth.

The orthodontist requires a way to obtain the size and form of craniofacial structures in the patient. For this reason, a cephalometric extension on the imaging x-ray device is necessary to acquire images that evaluate the five components of the face, the cranium and cranial base, the skeletal maxillae, the skeletal mandible, and maxillary dentition. The cephalometric attachment offers images such as frontal AP and lateral cephs.

If the practice is concentrated in endodontic and implant treatment, then a CBCT machine is the most practical method of providing the doctor with diagnostic tools such as mandibular canal location, surgical guides, and pre-surgical treatment planning with the assistance of powerful 3D dental software applications. The patient is benefited by the reduced radiation exposure provided by these machines.

Taking Digital Images by Dental X Ray Machine

When making the decision to purchase x-ray equipment, the doctor needs to research the available options thoroughly, in order to make an informed choice for the “right” machine for his or her practice. your dental X-rays allow your dentist to see the condition of prior dental procedures, such as fillings, crowns, root canals, and bridges. And, too, your dentist will be able to look for possible bone loss as a result of periodontal gum disease and find hidden tartar build up.

The orthodontist requires a way to obtain the size and form of craniofacial structures in the patient. For this reason, a cephalometric extension on the imaging x-ray device is necessary to acquire images that evaluate the five components of the face, the cranium and cranial base, the skeletal maxillae, the skeletal mandible, and maxillary dentition.

If the practice is concentrated in endodontic( endodontic equipment ) and implant treatment, then a CBCT machine is the most practical method of providing the doctor with diagnostic tools such as mandibular canal location, surgical guides, and pre-surgical treatment planning with the assistance of powerful 3D dental software applications. The patient is benefited by the reduced radiation exposure provided by these machines.

In order to take the digital images, your dentist – or a dental technician – will place a small sensor in your mouth, carefully positioned. This small sensor is connected to the processing computer by a very thin wire.

Your dentist or the dental tech inputs the command for the dental x ray machine portable to send a X-ray through your teeth and into the sensor, effectively taking a photo of your tooth or teeth. The sensor captures the resulting image and sends it through the wire to the computer. Then your dentist will reposition the sensor and take additional digital X-rays until all of your teeth have been X-rayed.

With digital dental X-rays, your dentist or other dental professional is able to immediately see your teeth and jaw bones. This means that assessment and diagnosis is virtually instantaneous. When you’re looking for a dentist, you would be well served to choose one who offers digital dental X-rays. The benefits are immense, the process is simple and painless, and you’ll be able to see the images when your dentist reviews them with you.