Treatment Planning Always Poses a Challenge to the Clinicians

An expectation of a beautiful smile at the end of treatment is a primary concern for all patients, but most are also concerned with appearance while undergoing treatment. The anterior maxilla is often referred to as the aesthetic zone. Missing maxillary lateral incisors creates an aesthetic problem with specific orthodontic and prosthetic considerations, therefore treatment planning always poses a challenge to the clinicians.

Treatment alternatives for missing teeth include removable partial dentures, conventional fixed bridges, resin bonded fixed bridges, autotransplantation and dental implants. Treatment of tooth loss or agenesis in the anterior maxilla with single-tooth implant supported crowns is well documented. Depending on the type of final restoration that is chosen, interdisciplinary management of these patients often plays a vital role in the facilitation of treatment. One of the most common treatment alternatives for the replacement of congenitally missing teeth is a single-tooth implant. The main advantage of this type of restoration is that it leaves the adjacent teeth intact.

The healing period after implant placement by dental implant equipment is generally 3-4 months and the appearance of a gap from a missing tooth can be a concern during healing phase, especially if it is in the display zone of a patient’s smile. If the treatment plan includes prosthetic replacement of the missing tooth rather than space closure, then space maintenance is also an issue. In an appearance conscious patient, use of riding pontics as space maintainers is a good option during treatment.

Implant was loaded in the region of missing tooth under anaesthesia and post operative instructions were given. The healing period after implant placement was 3-4 months and the appearance of a gap from a missing tooth was a concern during healing phase, especially because patient had high aesthetic demands. So, an interim restoration was planned along with an Essix retainer.

Mesiodistal width determination – When a single anterior tooth is missing, mesiodistal width of the pontic should be determined by considering the width of the contralateral natural tooth. When teeth are missing bilaterally, the mesiodistal width of the pontic should be determined by analyzing the space available and the dimensions of the remaining natural teeth. So in this case, the mesiodistal width of the contralateral natural tooth was considered.

Height determination- The cervical end of the pontic should touch the gingiva with a smooth contour. If the cervical end of the pontic does not touch to the gingiva, then the negative space between the pontic and the gingiva can affect the aesthetics, especially in high smile line patients. The incisal edge or cusp tip of the pontic should be in harmony with the adjacent natural tooth for maximum esthetics.

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How to Make Your Smile More Beautiful

Although losing a tooth is not a unique occurrence, there is a unique solution available today in the form of dental implants. Utilizing the incredible technology of modern implantology and cosmetic dentistry in Arizona, your dentist will be able to re-create your natural smile using state of the art titanium dental implants, which will create the foundation for your brand new, uniquely tailored replacement tooth/teeth.

Nowadays spend a big amount of money on teeth whitening products because there are various companies, which are looking to cash on human vanity. A smart person would always do a certain bit of research before buying any dental care products or dental instruments. Teeth whitening equipment would help you to remove some of the daily stain that is usually responsible for tooth discolouration. People in their fast pace of life always forget that certain things like tobacco, coffee, tea etc stain the enamels of their teeth.

You can now get white teeth’s faster by using high quality health products. Today’s products would help enhance your white and bright smile. People now and then have to face a lot of dental problems that they frequently undergo expensive dental professional services. However, finding the right dental lab can also be tricky at times as there are so many labs to offer dental care to people. A good dental lad would possess all the latest dental lab products to ensure that consumers are given high quality treatment with dental handpiece.

Even tooth whitening should be discussed with your dentist. You may be a good candidate for an in-office whitening procedure that will give you bright white results in a fraction of the time a whitening tooth paste could take. This is especially useful if you want your pearly whites even whiter for a special occasion. Your dentist can let you know what options are available at their office such as a laser whitening treatment or bleaching, or they can recommend an over the counter product that is best suited for your needs.

The most advanced looking space-age technology based toothbrush may still not provide for you the cleaning your mouth needs for healthy teeth and gums. Before investing in a really cool looking toothbrush that you think will blast away food particles and plaque, talk to your dentist to get his or her recommendation on the best toothbrush that is perfectly suited for you.

Your dentist can also recommend the right toothpaste and floss to partner with your toothbrush. In all, you may not need to spend a lot of money on fancy products. You just need to establish healthy brushing and flossing habits as well as routine check-ups, cleanings and exams with your dentist.

FAQ of Dental Implant Surgery Part I

What to Expect Immediately After Dental Implant Surgery
Dr. Emery and Dr. Ryan place dental implants under either local anesthetic or IV sedation.
Local anesthetic will probably leave your mouth feeling numb for a few hours after the procedure, but your mental state will be unaffected.
IV sedation puts you into a relaxed, sleepy state, during which you won’t feel any pain. If you choose this type of anesthesia, you will continue to feel drowsy for a few hours after the implant fitting procedure. You will need to refrain from driving or operating machinery during this time.
You should probably expect to rest for a full day after getting dental implants placed. You may need to take painkillers such as ibuprofen or Tylenol to relieve pain in the extraction site. During the first 24 hours, you might have bleeding, which can be controlled by biting down on gauze.

Will Dental Implant Recovery Make Me Miss Work?
Chances are you’ll be back on the Metro right away after your dental implant placement. Many people return to work following a single day of rest after dental implant surgery, whereas others feel that they need an extra day or two to recover. There is no rule to say you must stay off work during the recovery time for dental implant surgery, but you should avoid overexerting yourself if possible to help your body recover quickly. Listen to your body and rest if you need to.

The Days Following Dental Implant Surgery
The most important stage in the recovery time for dental implant surgery is the first two weeks. During this time, you should eat soft foods, refrain from smoking, and continue rinsing with salt water or oral rinse several times a day. Taking these steps will avoid irritating the extraction site and minimize the risk of infection. If Dr. Emery or Dr. Ryan has given you antibiotics or other types of medication to take, make sure you take them as directed.

Long-Term Recovery Time for Dental Implant Surgery
Dental implants gradually fuse with your natural bone in a process that can take several months to complete. You should keep all follow-up appointments with our office, even if you feel well, as it is essential to check on the progress of the implant’s integration.

Is the Recovery Time for Dental Implant Surgery Worth It?
Dental implants can make a massive difference to your quality of life. They not only look natural, but they also give you the full functionality of normal teeth. Compared to the benefits that most people gain from dental implants, the recovery time is very minor. If you are at all concerned about any aspect of getting dental implants, including the recovery period, please feel free to call us or set up a dental implant consultation where Dr. Emery or Dr. Ryan can provide information that is specific to your case.

If you want to purchase dental implant equipment or know more dental news, you can visit our