The Research about Purchasing Portable Dental Unit

The dental units generally need connecting to electrical, as well as drainage and plumbing systems.Transportation to the dental office is cited by many of the elderly as a barrier to dental treatment. Mobile (bus dental unite) or portable services eliminate the transportation barrier by bringing the service to the client. The portable dental chair will provide greater assistance to disabled clients living in those out of reach places. They make it possible for the elderly to receive the care they deserve. The mobile and portable dental services will also enable care for the elderly in their homes or care facilities. The demand for dental care will continue to increase.

The elderly population is rapidly growing in the world. It is estimated that 3.5 million US elderly people will be living in long-term care facilities by year 2030. In some situations, transport infrastructure may also restrict access to care. There are some areas in Iran that are inaccessible when roads are not passable, such as the mountainous villages in and around Fereydoon-shahr.

More complex portable units include a vacuum canister, dentist ultrasonic scaler, radiographic equipment along with compressors for air-water syringes and high- and low-speed handpieces. This equipment is stored and transported in durable boxes and cases.

The rationale for these chairs is to allow provision of simple filling and basic preventative treatments such as fluoride therapy and fissure sealants, but they remain largely unevaluated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore dentists’ perceptions of the use of portable dental units in community outreach programs.

Starting your own dental practice is no easy task. Purchasing portable dental unit for your practice can also be difficult. On average, a new dental practice will spend around $500,000 on structural upfit, equipment and supplies for their business. To make sure you are getting the most for your money, consider the following tips before diving into the world of dental equipment sales.

Before making any final decisions and purchasing dental equipment for sale, do as much research as possible on your own first. Doing so will help you understand all that the market has to offer and what your options are.

It is never a good rule of thumb to buy something simply because it is available or because it is affordable for you. Find out exactly what your practice needs and then begin your research on the quality products to invest in. This is because buying portable dental equipment is just that, an investment. Check the product’s features and confirm how it will make your practice more effective.

What’s the Diagnosis of Endodontics Depends On

November 4, 2016 (Newswire) –Diagnosis, treatment planning and clinical outcome assessment in endodontics depend to a large extent on radiographic examinations. Conventional periapical radiographs, either captured on conventional x-ray film( dental x ray machine portable ) or digital are used for the management of endodontic problems provide limited information because of the combination of their two dimensional nature, geometric distortion, anatomical noise, and temporal perspective.

Useful information such as the presence, location and extent of periradicular lesions, the anatomy of root-canals( root canal treatment equipment ) and the proximity of adjacent anatomical structures provided by periapical radiographs are exposed during endodontic treatment procedures . Inspite of widespread use periapical images, either captured on x-ray film or digital sensors, provide limited information .

The most important limitation of periapical radiographs is that they do not always accurately reflect the anatomy being assessed because of the complexity of the maxillofacial skeleton . In endodontic practice, radiographs are recorded using the paralleling technique / long-cone or right-angle technique, instead of the bisecting angle technique, as it produces more geometrically accurate images.

For accurate reproduction of anatomy in the paralleling technique, the radiographic film or RVG sensor should be placed parallel to the long axis of the tooth, and the x-ray beam should be directed perpendicular both to the image receptor and the tooth being assessed. The lack of long-axis orientation results in geometric distortion of the radiographic image.

Another important principle in endodontic radiology is to display the structures of diagnostic interest onto a background as homogeneous as possible . However, the anatomical structures surrounding the tooth may superimpose and cause difficulty in interpreting periapical radiographs.Various studies have demonstrated the difficulty of radiographically visualizing the periapical lesions confined to the cancellous bone, as the denser overlying cortical plate masks the area of interest.

Anatomical noise also accounts for some underestimation of the size of periapical lesion on radiographic images .Anatomical noise is dependent on several factors such as non-optimal irradiation geometry, overlying anatomy,the thickness of the cancellous bone and cortical plate, and the relationship of the root apices to the cortical plate.

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A Brief Introduction of the Generation of Dental Apex Locator

The development of the electronic apex locator (EAL) has helped make the assessment of

working length more accurate and predictable, particularly useful when the apical portion of

the canal system is obscured by certain anatomic structures:Impacted teeth, tori ,zygomatic

arch, excessive bone density, overlapping roots and shallow palatal vault.
The objective of working length determination is to establish the length (distance from the

apex) at which canal preparation and subsequent obturation are to be terminated. Methods

for determining working length are radiographs , electronic apex locators, tactile sense,

mathematics method, apical periodontal sensitivity, paper points, microscopic magnification

and average tooth length.


Root canals are surrounded by dentine and cementum that are insulators to electric current.

At the apical foramen there is a small hole in which conductive materials within the canal are

electrically connected to the periodontal ligament that is a conductor of electric current. The

resistive material of the canal (dentine, tissue, fluid) with a particular resistivity forms a

resistor, the value of which depends on the length, cross-sectional area and the resistivity of

the materials .


The first generation: Resistance between the periodontium and the oral mucous membrane in humans was

constant at 6.5 K Ohm, regardless of the age of the patients or the shape and type of teeth.

Contents of the canal (vital pulp tester vs. necrotic pulp) also had no effect upon the resistance.

First-generation apex location devices measure the opposition to the flow of direct current

or resistance. The resistance was measured between the two electrodes to determine

location within a canal. Pain was often felt with this type of apex locator.
Second-generation apex locatorsmeasure the opposition to the flow of alternating current or

impedance.This generation contains 2 types of apex locator: low frequency and high

frequency apex locator. Low frequency AL is based on the assumption that the impedance

between the oral mucous membrane and the depth of the gingival sulcus closely resembles

the impedance between the canal terminus and the oral mucous membrane.


The 3rd generation apex locator has been called “frequency dependent” apex locators. This

type was supplied by 2 frequencies to measure the impedance in the canal. There are 2

types of the 3rd generation ALs: impedance difference type and impedance ratio type.

Impedance difference AL measures the impedance value at two different frequencies and

calculates the difference between the two values (Yamashita, 1990) while impedance ratio

type measured the position of the file from the ratio between these two impedances.


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The Benefits of Piezo-electric Scaler

The piezo-electric scaler is a staple in our hygiene rooms. Hygienists in our office rave about our new piezo-electric scalers and, more importantly, patients are very complimentary about how their mouths feel after their maintenance visits. If you have the desire to move into the world of electric scalers, or are ready to upgrade, give considerable thought to the purchase of a piezo-electric scaler. This technology will stand the test of time. It is the ultimate in dental ultrasonic scalers.

Piezo-electric scalers in particular have some distinct advantages over many other conventional ultrasonic units. In addition to the previously mentioned benefits of ultrasonics in general, piezo-electric technology offers the following:

(1) versatile ultrasonic units have numerous clinical applications due to a comprehensive range of accessories; in addition to inserts for use in scaling and debridement, many other inserts are available for procedures such as periodontics, apical surgery, and prosthodontics; dozens of various inserts are offered that all fit on the same handpiece.

(2) less water is necessary during the procedure, adding to patient comfort and operator convenience; less need for management of excessive water accumulation; less water is required because the unit’s efficiency is greater than 90%—there is no delivered energy or mechanical friction, hence, little secondary temperature rise; since there is very little temperature rise, the handpiece can be used without water.

(3) LED curing light is available with some units—much more convenient to assemble and operate than conventional curing lights, saving time, money, and space; the light simply attaches to the unit in place of the piezo-electric handpiece; perfect for sealant curing in the hygiene room as well as for restorative materials.

(4) easy, convenient barrier protection—intraoral camera sheaths intimately fit many piezo-electric handpieces; barrier protection for the unit itself is provided by simply placing a sheet of plastic wrap loosely over the entire unit; with this in place, the operator can adjust the water and power setting and place the dental handpiece in its holder without contaminating the unit, which minimizes the use of surface disinfectant, which would add time following the procedure and risk damaging the unit.

(5) the use of state-of-the-art technology helps to strengthen patient relations; communicating with patients and educating them about the advantages of the piezo-electric scaler is a practice builder; patients feel more comfortable throughout the procedure and confident that they are receiving the best possible care.

Brief Historical Background of Controlled Memory Technology

Optimal cleaning and shaping of root canal systems requires, among many things, the coincident integration and tangible application of numerous anatomical, clinical, and technique driven considerations. For example, the case must be diagnosed correctly; the clinical risk assessed; the technique, clinical supplies, and instruments selected; and all of the above used correctly and simultaneously to achieve the treatment objectives.

The first generation of Ni-Ti was ground from Ni-Ti file blanks and not heat-treated. Such first-generation instruments are superelastic. Superelasticity denotes the ability of the file to deform (strain) from its original shape under a physical load (stress). Clinically, this is manifest as a Ni-Ti file rotating in a curved canal and returning to its original shape upon removal from the root canal treatment equipment.

In essence, the Ni-Ti undergoes a transformation (the instrument is “strained”) from its harder austenite crystalline phase configuration to its softer martensitic crystalline phase configuration while under such “stress.” When the stress is relieved, it returns to its original shape (austenite). Such behavior is termed “shape memory.” First-generation (nonheat-treated) Ni-Ti instruments can generally accommodate approximately an 8% strain before fracture. In contrast, CM instruments do not possess superelasticity and do not undergo the aforementioned transformation.

The second generation of Ni-Ti files is heat-treated, either in the bulk raw material stage before grinding or, alternatively, after grinding. CM instruments are a subset of this second generation of heat-treated instruments. CM technology was introduced in 2010. Heat treatment processes are proprietary.

Interestingly, there is a new file that is heat-treated only in the apical 10 mm of its cutting flutes, providing flexibility at its working end. To the author’s knowledge, for all other current systems, heat treatment encompasses the entire instrument.

CM files are unique among the commercial products available at this time. While made of heat-treated Ni-Ti, they remain curved as they rotate around a curved canal. CM files do not regain their original shape after use. Hence, they have “controlled memory.” The literature suggests this CM feature reduces transportation and conserves tooth structure. The literature also states that CM files are 300% to 900% more resistant to cyclic fatigue and have a statistically significant greater flexibility than their first generation superelastic counterparts. Aside from flexibility, CM files have essentially equivalent torsional strength to nonheat-treated files.

In the existing scientific literature published to date, there are no unfavorable reported findings on CM attributes. The current literature file on CM technology is available by email from the author on request.

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The Forecasts of China’s Dental Equipment and Supplies Industry

In the two past decades, the industry has been growing at a fast pace. The dramatic expansions of the manufacturing capabilities and rising consumer consumptions in China have transformed China’s society and economy. China is one of the world’s major producers for industrial and consumer products. Far outpacing other economies in the world, China is the world’s fastest growing market for the consumptions of goods and services.

The Chinese economy maintains a high speed growth which has been stimulated by the consecutive increases of industrial output, imports & exports, consumer consumption and capital investment for over two decades. Rapid consolidation between medium and large players is anticipated since the Chinese government has been encouraging industry consolidation with an effort to regulate the industry and to improve competitiveness in the world market.

Air Techniques was started over 50 years ago with the goal of making the highest-quality, longest-lasting, hardest-working compressors and vacuums that meet the unique needs of dental offices. They still regularly hear from dentists who have their AirStar compressors or VacStar vacuum systems (or their predecessors) that were purchased and installed many, many years ago—but are still hard at work today.  So Air Techniques wants to know—where are our old reliable workhorse units?  And Air Tech wants to reward those dentists who have these long-running dental compressors and vacuum systems, and the service technicians who keep them running.

Although China has enjoyed the benefits of an expanding market for production and distribution, the industry is suffering from minimal innovation and investment in R&D and new product development. The sector’s economies of scale have yet to be achieved. Most domestic manufacturers lack the autonomic intellectual property and financial resources to develop their own brand name products.

This new study focuses on industry trends and forecasts with historical data (2005, 2010 and 2015) and long-term forecasts through 2020 and 2025 are presented.

The primary and secondary research of dental equipment is done in China in order to access up-to-date government regulations, market information and industry data. Data were collected from the Chinese government publications, Chinese language newspapers and magazines, industry associations, local governments’ industry bureaus, industry publications, and our in-house databases.

How We Choose Good Endodontic Instruments

Currently, there is a large number of endodontic motor instruments and instrumentation techniques on the market and being used today. Usually, when there are so many instruments and techniques to do the same job, it tells us that no single technique or instrument has found the answer to accomplishing the task in the easiest, most favorable way when compared to the others.

We can choose from hand instrumentation, rotary or reciprocal handpiece-driven instrumentation, ultrasonic and sonic instrumentation, and any combination of these. Not only are the delivery systems different, but there also are many different types of instruments themselves; for instance, files, reamers, headstroms, etc., and each can be made of either stainless steel or nickel titanium.

Each instrument and its accompanying technique have their own advantages and disadvantages. The key is to find a system to use in which all of the components are made to work together synergistically, such that they result in a procedure that is easy for the dentist to achieve the desired end results. In this instance, the desired end result is a debrided, clean canal that has been enlarged, shaped, and finished to receive a gutta-percha and sealed obturation. This should be able to be achieved in an easy, quick, not too expensive, predictable, operator friendly manner. The dentist should not have to be Michelangelo to achieve the desired result consistently on every patient.

We can make access, open into the pulp chamber, and find the root canal treatment equipments. Once the canals are found, I usually use a size #08 gray reamer to obtain my measurement. The measurement is achieved with the use of an apex locator. The apex locator is the only instrument we have that will give us the measurement to the constriction of the canal. Read the instructions for your apex locator, because each manufacturer marks a different point on its measurement scale indicating where the constriction or anatomic apex is located.

In other words, the foot pedal is pushed down in a continuous motion and kept down; the handpiece with the instrument is moved up and down with apical pressure being applied. Each downward peck cuts and opens up the canal wall, and the instrument moves closer to the working length. If the instrument is short of the measurement, it should not be pushed; rather, more pecks should be used to get the instrument to length. Once the canal is enlarged to a size #20 yellow SafeSider, the glide path is considered complete.

Take Serious of the Cleaning and Sterilization Process

Today’s busy dental practices face a serious challenge: to maintain or increase productivity while ensuring that patient safety remains a top priority. At times, these may seem like incompatible goals. Advances in processing dental equipment, however, have empowered practices to develop safer processes while realizing efficiencies and ultimately, saving money.

Effective and efficient infection control in the dental office is essential for the safety of patients and to ensure that productivity does not suffer. Infection control programs all include the cleaning and sterilization of reusable dental instruments and devices. Care must be taken by the dental healthcare professional to ensure that all instruments are cleaned prior to sterilization, and that this is carried out in a safe manner to avoid injury and puncture wounds.

A cleaning and sterilization process that meets ADA and CDC guidelines is vital to an effective infection control program. Streamlining of this process requires an understanding of proper methods, materials, and devices. Many methods of instrument reprocessing are available. Use of a complete system that encompasses and fulfills all elements that are critical maximizes efficiency and minimizes risks.

Closed cassette systems provide a more efficient and safer way to process, sterilize and organize instruments in a dental office- these eliminate manual steps during instrument reprocessing such as hand scrubbing and time-consuming sorting of instruments, thereby improving safety and increasing efficiency.

To prevent accidental injury with the contaminated instruments, special handling should be used to transport the instruments to the cleaning and sterilization area. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that, “Contaminated instruments should be handled carefully to prevent exposure to sharp instruments that can cause percutaneous injury. Instruments should be placed in an appropriate container at the point of use to prevent percutaneous injuries during transport to the instrument processing area.”

The fine tactile sensitivity needed during dental procedures is not necessary during instrument cleaning and sterilization; therefore, heavy-duty gloves pose no problem in this regard. Additionally, nitrile utility gloves are available in a variety of sizes, allowing a more secure fit.

Zahnstein entfernen: Wie lässt sich vorbeugen?

Die Routineuntersuchungen beim Zahnarzt, bei der Du Dir den Zahnstein entfernen lassen kannst, sind ein erster wichtiger Baustein für eine gesunde Mundhygiene. So erkennt Dein Zahnarzt bei dieser Untersuchung sowohl den Zahnstein als auch andere Erkrankungen und kann diese rechtzeitig behandeln. Eine Zahnsteinentfernung pro Jahr wird daher auch von den gesetzlichen Krankenkassen übernommen. Natürlich besteht aber auch über diese jährliche Behandlung hinaus die Möglichkeit, Zahnstein entfernen zu lassen. (ultraschall zahnsteinentferner)
Weitere Behandlungen musst Du jedoch selbst tragen. Die Kosten hierfür liegen mit festgelegten 13,39 Euro pro Zahnsteinentfernung jedoch in einem überschaubaren Rahmen. Darüber hinaus bieten Zahnärzte auch professionelle Zahnreinigungen an, die über die einfache Zahnsteinentfernung hinausgehen. So werden Verfärbungen und Ablagerungen gründlicher entfernt, die Zähne poliert und mit einem speziellen Flouridlack behandelt, der den Zahnschmelz besonders schützt. Derartige Behandlungen machen durchaus Sinn und unterstützen Dich bei der täglichen Zahnpflege. Allerdings musst Du die Kosten für eine professionelle Zahnreinigung, die sich von Arzt zu Arzt unterscheiden können und etwa bei 50 Euro pro Behandlung liegen, selbst tragen. Die wichtigste Methode, um Zahnstein zu entfernen, bevor er entsteht, ist jedoch die tägliche Zahnpflege zu Hause. So solltest Du Deine Zähne mindestens zwei Mal täglich gründlich putzen, um weiche Zahnbeläge zu entfernen, bevor sie sich zu Zahnstein verhärten können. Eine elektrische Zahnbürste ist hierfür am besten geeignet. Doch auch Handzahnbürsten mittlerer Stärke bringen bei der richtigen Putztechnik gute Ergebnisse. Jeder Putzvorgang sollte mindestens drei Minuten dauern. Da Zahnstein auch in den Zahnzwischenräumen entstehen kann, empfiehlt sich darüber hinaus der Gebrauch von Zahnseide.

Gehe regelmäßig zum Zahnarzt, damit er Deinen Zahnstein entfernen kann! Auf diese Weise beugst Du schlimmeren Erkrankungen wie Karies und Parodontose wirkungsvoll vor. Doch auch zu Hause kannst Du einiges tun. Schon zehn Minuten pro Tag für die Pflege Deiner Zähne reichen aus, um Deine Mundhygiene deutlich zu verbessern.

» mehr:zahnarzt instrumente günstig

Marathon pieza de mano N7S S04 Características

Marathon pieza de mano N7S S04 Características

Marathon Micromotor Pieza de Mano N7S S04 Motor

1.  Intercambia el método de la herramienta mediante leva (girar la manija en sentido contrario de las agujas del reloj para cambiar la fresa y fácilmente restaurar de nuevo a la posición original)
2.  Sistema de velocidad no etapa(Está bien diseñado para la producción de cero a 35,000RPM mediante el uso de sistema de velocidad no etapa)
3.  Derecha e izquierda capacidad de girar
4.  Sistema de interruptor de pedal Encendido/ Apagado (sistema de control variable usando el pie)
5.  La cubierta protectora de plástico
6.  Control de velocidad variable continua
7.  Caja de control de gran alcance en el dental N7S micromotor
8. Avance/reverso interruptor (derecha / izquierda)
9.  Fácil cambio de la dirección de avance de eficiencia
10. No hay calor después de largas horas de operación debido al diseño eléctrico eficaz
11.  Potente torque y control de velocidad continuamente variable

Energía Eléctrica: 110V o 220V
Micromotor Pieza de mano: MARATÓN SDE-H37L
Velocidad: 0 – 35.000 r.p.m.
Tamaño de cable: 2,35 mm o 3,0 mm
Peso: 2,5 kg
Tamaño de fresa: 2,35mm
Voltaje de alimentación de : <A> 220V / 50Hz ± 10% <B> 110V / 60Hz ± 10%

Caja de control x 1
SDE-H37L1 (35,000RPM) Pieza de mano Micromotor1 x
Interruptor Encendido / Apagado de pedal del pie x 1
Manual de Operación x 1