The Effects of Dental Fast Curing

Fast curing has been accused of putting too much stress on the bond of a restoration to the tooth. If you apply too much light to a restorative material, it will presumably shrink more quickly, opening gaps at the tooth-restoration interface, causing white lines and microleakage. High power has also been accused of inducing cracks in thin porcelain veneers. To test these issues, we performed Class I & II microleakage studies, plus one with porcelain veneers:
Class I White Lines and Microleakage

Eleven different curing protocols using five different lights and four different restorative materials were investigated as to whether any variables could be isolated to predict the incidence of white lines at the margins and/or microleakage. We found that, while there is a general association between white lines and microleakage, it is not consistent across composite materials and curing protocols. In other words, there are too many other variables to merely conclude that if you eliminate the white lines, you will also eliminate microleakage.
Class II Microleakage

The same 11 different curing protocols and five different lights were used as in the Class I study, but with this project, we used three different flowables on the gingival wall and investigated as to whether any variables could be isolated to predict the incidence of microleakage. We found that neither the dental curing light nor the curing protocol produced any statistically significant differences in microleakage.
Veneer Crazing and Microleakage

Porcelain veneers, standardized to 0.7mm in thickness, were bonded to teeth using either a halogen light for 60 seconds or a plasma arc light for 15 or 30 seconds. The results showed no craze lines in any veneers when viewed under the stereomicroscope at 10x, both before and after thermocycling and staining. In addition, with margins at the CEJ, all the microleakage scores were very low, signifying no differences between the lights.

Base Unit/Battery Charger Typically sits on the counter in the treatment room and includes the electronics that operate the light. For cordless LEDs, its function may be as the recharger. It may have the timer, some type of holder for the gun or wand, and the power switch (unless it is functioning as a battery charger, in which case it would not have a power switch since it would always be “on”).

Since counter space in treatment rooms is usually at a premium, the smaller base units are favored. Timers should be easily seen and accessible for changing. The gun or wand holder should keep these items secure, but allow easy placement and retrieval at the same time. Built-in radiometers are also featured in many base units.

How to Use a Dental Curing Light Correctly

According to the American Dental Association, nearly 150 million resin-based restorations and sealants are placed every year. Almost all of these use light-cured resin-based composites. Thus, a light-curing device is now commonly found in dental practices across the country. Some assume that a “point and shoot” technique is sufficient. However, in order to achieve optimal results, dental curing lights must be used correctly.

In the dental field, a curing light can use ultraviolet or visible light, depending on what it is designed for. Both dentist and patient need to wear eye protection to limit damage to the retina for even the 20 seconds to a minute that the light is in use during rapid curing, and the light needs to be well maintained so that it will work properly and effectively. It’s also important to use the right curing light for the right resin product; many lights are designed to handle a range of resins safety.

Using a curing light accomplishes two things. In the first place, it makes sure that the resin cures properly and adheres evenly. When applying fillings, this is critical to keep the filling in place in the mouth. For sealants, the curing light limits the risk of cracks and other problems with the sealant. With adhesives for implants( dental implant motor ) and braces, the rapid, even cure is also designed to limit problems in the future.

How a dentist uses a light-curing unit makes a large difference in the amount of energy a restoration receives. Even when the device is handled correctly, if the energy level is insufficient, then the resulting restoration may not attain expected longevity; this may explain why resin-based restorations last only five to seven years when actual life expectancy should be 15 years or more.

Both light intensity – or irradiance – and the dental application should factor into a dentist’s decision regarding his or her choice of curing light. For instance, irradiance is measured by calculating power output, or milliwatts (mW), of a curing light across the surface area of the curing light guide. A curing light must deliver a minimum irradiance of 400mW/cm2 for a time interval to adequately polymerize a 1.5-2mm thick resin composite.

Clinicians also should consider the clinical application at hand. It has been documented that irradiance of curing lights attenuate/decrease significantly when it passes through restorative materials, such as ceramic restorations or resin composites. The percentage of decrease in irradiance depends on filler type, filler loading, shades, refractive index, opacity, translucency and thickness of restorative materials. Curing lights with high irradiance compensate for the decrease in the loss of total energy and allow dentists to cure resin composites completely. In general, an irradiance of 1000mW/cm2 or higher is considered ideal to cure resin-based materials through indirect restorations.


What’s the Basics of Dental Curing Light

Dental curing light is used for the polymerization of light-cured resin-based materials. In the contemporary world of dentistry, curing lights have become an integral part of all specialties and dental practices. Today, almost all resin composites, dental adhesives and adhesive cements utilize light energy for complete polymerization, which further determines the long-term clinical success of a procedure.

While much attention has been given to the details of diagnosis, preparation and the development of improved adhesives and resins, light curing is often taken for granted. It’s a well-accepted fact that inadequate polymerization of the materials can lead to clinical failures, such as sensitivity, marginal discoloration, fractured restorations and de-bonding issues, making it critical to select an ideal curing light.

Curing lights allow us to initiate the polymerization reaction “on demand” for a vast array of materials. However, there is, perhaps, more misinformation and hype regarding this type of dentist equipment compared to just about anything else we use on a daily basis. Most of these controversies center on how long you have to cure specific types of restorations as well as how deep you can cure specific types of materials.

Both light intensity – or irradiance – and the dental application should factor into a dentist’s decision regarding his or her choice of curing light. For instance, irradiance is measured by calculating power output, or milliwatts (mW), of a curing light across the surface area of the curing light guide. A curing light must deliver a minimum irradiance of 400mW/cm2 for a time interval to adequately polymerize a 1.5-2mm thick resin composite.

Clinicians also should consider the clinical application at hand. It has been documented that irradiance of curing lights attenuate/decrease significantly when it passes through restorative materials, such as ceramic restorations or resin composites. The percentage of decrease in irradiance depends on filler type, filler loading, shades, refractive index, opacity, translucency and thickness of restorative materials.

Curing lights with high irradiance compensate for the decrease in the loss of total energy and allow dentists to cure resin composites completely. In general, an irradiance of 1000mW/cm2 or higher is considered ideal to cure resin-based materials through indirect restorations.


The Importance of Dental Curing Light

Recently, a new concept to dentistry, the LED, has entered the market. There have been significant sales promotions from the several companies selling LED lights. As a result of the promotions, dentists appear to be more confused than before. In spite of the confusion, sales of these lights has been good, and, with the exception of a poor start by one light that is now off the market, some dentists appear to be relatively satisfied with lights such as the Elipar FreeLight (3M/ESPE, St. Paul, Minn.), the NRG LED Dental Curing Light (Dentsply Caulk, York, Pa.) and the GC E-Light (GC America, Alsip, Ill.).

A light-curing device is now commonly found in dental practices across the country. Some assume that a “point and shoot” technique is sufficient. However, in order to achieve optimal results, dental curing lights must be used correctly. Read on to find out more about how to use a dental curing light so that the resin-based restorations you place in patients’ mouths will be as successful as manufacturers’ claims.

In a collection of articles written for ADA Professional Product Review, Jack L. Ferracane, Professor and Chair, Restorative Dentistry Division Director, Biomaterials and Biomechanics, Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, Oregon states that there is “considerable evidence that delivering inadequate energy to the restoration will result in a restoration that has less than optimal properties and poor clinical performance.”

Ferracane goes on to say that light-cured resin-based composite restorations most often need replacing because of secondary caries and restoration fracture. Other reasons include staining, marginal breakdown, wear, a broken tooth or nerve death. Inadequate delivery of light or energy to the restoration can result in the early breakdown of a light-cured restoration. Therefore, a dental curing light must deliver adequate light energy to attain the best physical, chemical, and optical properties of a resin-based composite restoration.

I would like to comment on what I think are a few mis-understandings about dental curing lights. These are the units that cause dental materials, such as composites, sealants, and cements, to set or polymerize in the mouth. These units produce a visible blue light that these materials absorb, causing them to set.

These lights have been on the market for several years, they have created considerable controversy. Some practitioners have reported that the rapid cure afforded by PAC lights causes damage to both resin-based composite restorations and the tooth preparations.

What’s the Advantages of Different Curing Lights

Without question, light-curing is desirable, but practitioners are confused about the most appropriate light-curing concept to use in their practices. Because of this confusion, some practitioners have continued to use older lights in spite of the advantages offered by some of the newer ones. The light-emitting diode, or LED, concept is challenging more established modes of curing, and some dentists are buying LED lights. And many practitioners who have purchased the even faster plasma arc curing, or PAC, lights are not willing to go back to the slower LED light-curing method.

Since the late 1970s, halogen lights (such as the Optilux 500, Kerr, a Division of Sybron Dental Specialties, Orange, Calif.) have been in constant use in dentistry. They have served the profession well, they are a known entity and they are easy-to-use, relatively reliable devices.

The advantages of conventional halogen curing lights:

– Some cost less than other light systems.
– They are based on a simple technology.
– They generate little or no heat.
– Their technology is well-known and nonthreatening.

In the last few years, there has been an emphasis on enhanced conventional curing lights to provide greater curing intensity and faster cure. The most obvious way this has been accomplished is by the use of light guides that diminish in size as they exit from the curing light. The Turbo Tip (Kerr) exemplifies this concept. Numerous enhanced halogen curing lights (such as the Optilux 501, Kerr) are on the market, and they have been popular choices for practitioners.

The advantages of  enhanced halogen lights:

– They offer a faster resin cure.
– They operate via a known, proven technology.

Recently, a new concept to dentistry, the LED, has entered the market. There have been significant sales promotions from the several companies selling LED lights. As a result of the promotions, dentists appear to be more confused than before.

The advantages of LED curing light:

– LED lights are cordless, small and lightweight.
– Diodes are long-lasting without the need for frequent replacement.
– They generate no heat during curing.
– They offer a moderate curing time of about 10 to 20 seconds.
– They are quiet in operation.

Some practitioners have reported that the rapid cure afforded by PAC lights causes damage to both resin-based composite restorations and the tooth preparations. Although this subject has been debated for several years, current clinical usage, as well as research, have disproved the allegations of damage caused by the faster lights.

The advantages of PAC Lights:

– Curing time averages three seconds for a typical shade A2 resin-based composite restoration.
– The time savings observed with PAC lights amounts to a significant sum of money over a year’s use.
– Short curing time makes overall procedures shorter and more Dental Products,Dental Supplies integrated.

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Clinical Tips on Dental Curing Light

Dental curing lights, and the science behind them, have seen amazing growth and changes in the last few years. Here’s a look at some of the amazing things that have happened and why you should be aware of them.

The need for a reliable and effective curing light has grown as resin composites and light-cured materials such as sealants and adhesives have grown in popularity. Today the dental curing light is a key part of any dental practice’s armamentarium.

There are many options to consider when selecting the right curing light for your dental practice, but the focus of your search should be to find a light compatible with your preferred restorative materials. A light that operates at a variety of wavelengths will cure the largest number of materials, but it remains important to inquire if the light you want to purchase will work with the photoinitiators in the materials you use. Beyond the actual light the unit produces you also will want to decide if a cordless model is a good fit for you practice.

Another consideration is the body style of the light with pistol grip and wand styles the most common options. The light you choose should be comfortable in your hands and easy for you to maneuver so you can cure restorations throughout your patients’ mouths. A final consideration should be the construction of the light and the warranty backing its performance. You want to be sure your light will work whenever you need it.

Minimize heat by having the assistant direct a stream of air or a high-volume vacuum over the tooth crown during light curing. Placing a wet cotton roll directly on the tooth crown opposite the side of exposure will also lessen temperature rise, but not to the same extent as using air.

Minimize direct exposure to light sources using effective “blue-blocking” eyeglasses or shields for the clinician and patient.

Determine the loss of beam intensity with distance by holding the light guide at different distances from a dental curing radiometer. Curing potential of a restorative material depends on total energy received. Determine power at tip end, and multiply that by the recommended exposure duration — the product is the light energy intensity delivered. When moving the tip away, measure that power level and divide it into the light energy intensity calculated above. The result will be the exposure duration needed to account for power loss with increasing distance.

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Básicamente podríamos dividir a las lámparas de fotocurado en

Lámparas halógenas – Luz incandescente –  convencionales: 360 a 500 nm.Y de alta potencia: superior a 500 nm.:Son lámparas de cuarzo de tungsteno, en este tipo de lámparas la luz es emitida por un filamento generando una luz blanca que pasa a través de un filtro transformando la luz en una luz azul capaz de activar las canforoquinonas de los equipos odontologicos. De este proceso se genera la liberación de calor producto del 95% de la luz que son rayos infrarrojos, es por esto que traen incorporado a su estructura un ventilador mecánico para disipar el calor.  Para la mayoría de los composites o resinas compuestas su fotoactivador es la canforoquinona cuyo pico de excitación ronda lo 460nm. Por lo que estas lámparas trabajan los composites sin problemas.

Lámparas de arco de plasma – Luz de arco o xenón – 460 a 480 nm.:
El plasma es básicamente materia gaseosa altamente ionizada. La luz se genera mediante una descarga eléctrica en forma de arco voltaico entre dos electrodos de tungsteno, el gas xenón que se encuentra en este arco evitará la evaporación de los electrodos y tras este proceso no se produce liberación de calor lo cual es una de sus ventajas. La intensidad de la luz puede ser el doble o el triple de la luz halógena convencional, sin embargo, debido a esta potencia la contracción que se generan en las resinas compuestas o composites es también mayor por lo que no han tenido tan buenos resultados clínicos.

Lámparas de polimerización laser – Luz de argón o de diodos – 488 a 904 nm. L: Light A: Amplification S: Stimulated E: Emision R: Radiation:
Su característica principal es el tipo de fotón producido, permanece constante en la misma frecuencia generando una mayor potencia y áreas más concentradas y más pequeñas, entre sus ventajas destaja la baja producción de rayos infrarrojos traducido en menor calor. Su efecto sobre la polimerización correcta de los composites es hoy en día cuestionable ya que su potencia se encuentra por encima del pico de excitación de las canforoquinonas.

Lámparas de fotocurado LED. – Luz emisión de diodos – 450 a 480 nm. – L: Light E: Emitting D: Diode:
La luz en estos casos es emitida a través de un diodo que no es más que un semiconductor que facilita el paso de luz en un sentido, desde el ánodo hasta el cátodo y lo dificulta en sentido contrario. Dentro de sus ventajas se encuentra que no requieren ningún tipo de sistema de refrigeración en su estructura debido a que no liberan calor en la producción de la luz, haciéndolas también más silenciosas.

What you should know before purchasing curing light

The selection of a curing light for sale that fits your style of practicing remains one of the most important equipment purchases you will make. If you have an active restorative practice, it is a device that you use virtually every time you treat a patient. The right light can help you achieve success, while the converse is true – the wrong light can make your efforts more tedious and your results less consistent.

Dental curing lights allow us to initiate the polymerization reaction “on demand” for a vast array of materials. However, there is, perhaps, more misinformation and hype regarding this type of equipment compared to just about anything else we use on a daily basis. Most of these controversies center on how long you have to cure specific types of restorations as well as how deep you can cure specific types of materials.

Manufacturers continue to make outlandish claims of their curing capabilities, most of which fall into the “too good to be true” category. An example is the claim that a new light can accomplish a “5mm depth of cure in 3 seconds”. Please don’t be fooled by these ads – you absolutely, positively cannot cure a composite in three seconds. Period. End of discussion.

If you undercure a restoration, for example, you may not even be aware of the negative sequelae for years. Therefore, selecting a curing light and using it properly can greatly affect the performance and longevity of your restorations.

Types of Dental Curing Lights
Use a halogen bulb as the source of light.

+ Reliable – long track record

+ Cures all materials due to wide bandwidth (400nm-510nm)

– Requires a cord due to power consumption

– Cooling fans are necessary and can be noisy

Plasma Arc
Bulb is really an aluminum oxide, high pressure vessel, which contains highly energized xenon gas (plasma) under 150psi. The inside shape is specific to reflect light arcing between two electrodes. Arc is only about 1mm long, enabling a very focused beam.

+ Very fast (when a small tip is used)

– Expensive

– Large base units

– May not cure all materials

– Requires a cord that may be liquid-filled, may be stiff, and can degenerate over time

Argon Laser
Generates light when energy is applied to an atom raising an electron to a higher, unstable energy level. Electron will return to stable level by releasing light through a medium of argon gas.

+ Fast

– Very expensive

– Large base units

– Small tips

– May not cure all materials

– Require a cord due to power consumption

LED (Light Emitting Diode)
Special diodes (electronic devices that restrict current flow chiefly to one direction) that emit light when connected in a circuit.

+ Cordless or corded

+ Lightweight

+ Small

+ Long battery life due to the low power usage

– May not cure all materials

– Some have poor and/or no selection of tips

– May shut down due to overheating during long curing intervals

Women Could possibly get Whiter Teeth aware of New

When you’re a teenager, your the teeth are normally bright as well as white. Even though you eat sugary drink and food sugary drinks for example soda your own teeth may still stay sparkly. Even failing to remember to clean your teeth frequently does not appear to affect the colour of your own teeth when you’re young; these people stay whitened and gleaming. Your the teeth appear healthy as well as your smile appears stunning. Many individuals greatly dislike the truth that as a person age therefore do your own teeth, as well as their beautiful white colour slowly ends. (dental curing light for sale)

The acid within the food a person consume can make the whitened shiny enamel in your teeth erode so that your teeth turn out to be yellow rather than white. Should you consume much more sugary ingredients than you need to, and additionally if you don’t brush your own teeth which often, your teeth might even turn dark brown. When you’ve teeth this particular color you can easily be delay smiling simply because your dental supplies the teeth look harmful, and consequently your self-confidence often reduces. You could possibly get teeth whitening treatment in the dentists although it’s a pricey process. Recently a brand new option is becoming available towards the public- house teeth whitening kits that can Ultrasonic Scaler come at a reduced price. The technologies in these types of kits is equally as effective since the treatment you receive at the actual dentist and it is very safe to make use of. The items are simple to administer as they don’t involve teeth trays or even teeth pieces.

See more:dentist supplies online

Can Blue Dental Curing Light Hurt Your Eyes?

About the Blue Dental Curing Light

Before I answer Christopher’s question, here’s a little background information for those who aren’t familiar with the blue dental curing light. When a dentist puts a white filling (or a sealant, or a light-cured filling material) in your mouth, it is in a liquid or semi-solid state so that the dentist can put it exactly where it needs to go and shape it correctly. In order for the material to harden so that it can withstand the forces of chewing, it needs to be cured.

Curing the material is accomplished by shining a blue light on it. Not just any blue light will do. It has to be a certain shade of blue.

The blue dental curing light emits light at a wavelength of around 450 to 490 nm, a blue light. You can read more about the visible light spectrum here.

The very first light-activated filling materials used ultraviolet light. Fortunately, today dentists only use materials that are cured by visible light as the use of UV cured materials has pretty much died out due to the dangers posed by ultraviolet light.

The Blue Dental Curing Light Can Hurt Your Eyes!

One of the major dangers of the blue dental curing light is that it can hurt your eyes! When we were learning how to do white fillings, our professors always advised us to never look at the blue light.

Here’s what the book Craig’s Restorative Dental Materialssays about this:

Although there is minimal potential for radiation damage to surrounding soft tissue inadvertently exposed to visible light, caution should be used to prevent retinal damage to the eyes. Because of the high intensity of the light, the operator should not look directly at the tip or the reflected light from the teeth.
The orange filter that you can see on the curing light above filters out the visible light, allowing the dentist or assistant to see what they are doing without looking directly at the light.

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