How to Make Teeth White and Bright

According to tooth whitening Glasgow dentists, tooth whitening solutions are affordable and available to most Glasgow residents. Dental whitening machine will help dentist much. There are teeth whitening options available for all budgets and for all patient temperaments and the whitening process will always leave your teeth significantly whiter and brighter than before.

There are two types of teeth discoloration. Extrinsic teeth stains are discoloration that are caused by external factors such as smoking, drinking and aging. The dirt or discoloration is on the teeth enamel. This means that the original tooth is okay and with removal of the dirt, the teeth should be back to normal.

If the extrinsic stains are mild, you can remove them by simple dental processes such as brushing your teeth or prophylactic dental cleaning. On the other hand, if the strains are strong, you may require other more forceful treatments such as teeth bleaching. If not managed in good time, the extrinsic stains can get ingrained into your teeth and thereby forming a permanent stain.

Intrinsic teeth stains are stains that form from within your teeth. Such stains can be caused by teeth being exposed to tetracycline and other related minerals especially during teeth formation. Taking a lot of fluoride in your diet also causes intrinsic stains.

Like variations in hair color, we are born with our own base tooth color. Some of us naturally have whiter, lighter colored teeth than others. This is why a dentist consults a shading chart before doing dental work, such as bonding or crown work; in which matching tooth color is important. Changes in the teeth’s base color can be difficult to achieve through bleaching.

Due to the variety of factors that cause tooth discoloration, a consultation with a dentist before embarking on a tooth whitening program is a good idea. A dentist can assess whether at-home bleaching, for instance, will likely whiten your teeth and how much whitening one can expect. An excessively stringent whitening program can cause damage to tooth enamel and be counter-productive in some patients, as can excessive brushing in an attempt to attain a brighter smile. You can buy dental instruments like ultrasonic scaler from internet.

For some patients, routine brushing and dental cleaning is all that is needed to keep your smile white. Others may need to take more drastic measures, such as dental veneers, which can aesthetically correct tooth discoloration resistant to bleaching, as well as the appearance of cracks, gaps and broken teeth for a more thorough smile rejuvenation.

Getting Clean, Hygienic Dental Compressed Air

Studies have shown that the air that your dentist uses to blow dry your teeth isn’t always very healthy for you. You might not have thought about it, but somewhere in your dentist clinic is a compressor that supplies the compressed air for all his ‘work stations’. It’s not different from an ordinary workshop, only this time the compressor needs some extra special attention.

In the old days, dentist had no other choice than to buy a oil-lubricated compressor and use filters in the compressed air line to filter out any oil in liquid or vapor form. But, with filters you can never be 100% sure. Filters will get old and require replacement in time, before they deteriorate.

Nowadays, a whole range of dental oil free air compressors is available on the market. Oil-free compressors have the big advantage that they are 100% oil-free, so there is zero chance of oil in the compressed air system. Why first contaminate the air, to clean it up again later with filters, when you can create clean compressed air with an oil-free compressor?

There is however one downside to oil-free compressors: corrosion. The oil in oil-lubricated compressors will create a protective film of oil inside the air receiver and air piping. But still, an oil-free compressor would be highly favorable over an oil-lubricated one. There are galvanized or stainless steel air receivers available nowadays, as well as plastic compressed air piping, which will eliminate the problem of corrosion.

Water in the compressed air is a common problem in compressed air system, and it is especially a big concern for dental air systems.

Of course, you won’t taste a little water in the compressed air, nor will it be toxic. But, water in the compressed air system will increase the risk of bacteria growth. So you really want to have water-free air coming from your compressor.

For this reason, a dental compressor should be equipped with an compressed air dryer. There are different types of air dryers available, mainly refrigerated and desiccant. But I would recommend the adsorption air dryer (also called desiccant compressed air dryer).

Refrigerated compressed air dryers will only give you a pressure dew point of minimum 2 degrees. This means that below two degrees, water condensate will form on the inside of your equipment. This kind of dewpoint is nice for tools and grinders in a workshop, but is not low enough for a dental compressor.

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How to Make Your Smile More Beautiful

Although losing a tooth is not a unique occurrence, there is a unique solution available today in the form of dental implants. Utilizing the incredible technology of modern implantology and cosmetic dentistry in Arizona, your dentist will be able to re-create your natural smile using state of the art titanium dental implants, which will create the foundation for your brand new, uniquely tailored replacement tooth/teeth.

Nowadays spend a big amount of money on teeth whitening products because there are various companies, which are looking to cash on human vanity. A smart person would always do a certain bit of research before buying any dental care products or dental instruments. Teeth whitening equipment would help you to remove some of the daily stain that is usually responsible for tooth discolouration. People in their fast pace of life always forget that certain things like tobacco, coffee, tea etc stain the enamels of their teeth.

You can now get white teeth’s faster by using high quality health products. Today’s products would help enhance your white and bright smile. People now and then have to face a lot of dental problems that they frequently undergo expensive dental professional services. However, finding the right dental lab can also be tricky at times as there are so many labs to offer dental care to people. A good dental lad would possess all the latest dental lab products to ensure that consumers are given high quality treatment with dental handpiece.

Even tooth whitening should be discussed with your dentist. You may be a good candidate for an in-office whitening procedure that will give you bright white results in a fraction of the time a whitening tooth paste could take. This is especially useful if you want your pearly whites even whiter for a special occasion. Your dentist can let you know what options are available at their office such as a laser whitening treatment or bleaching, or they can recommend an over the counter product that is best suited for your needs.

The most advanced looking space-age technology based toothbrush may still not provide for you the cleaning your mouth needs for healthy teeth and gums. Before investing in a really cool looking toothbrush that you think will blast away food particles and plaque, talk to your dentist to get his or her recommendation on the best toothbrush that is perfectly suited for you.

Your dentist can also recommend the right toothpaste and floss to partner with your toothbrush. In all, you may not need to spend a lot of money on fancy products. You just need to establish healthy brushing and flossing habits as well as routine check-ups, cleanings and exams with your dentist.

The Forecasts of China’s Dental Equipment and Supplies Industry

In the two past decades, the industry has been growing at a fast pace. The dramatic expansions of the manufacturing capabilities and rising consumer consumptions in China have transformed China’s society and economy. China is one of the world’s major producers for industrial and consumer products. Far outpacing other economies in the world, China is the world’s fastest growing market for the consumptions of goods and services.

The Chinese economy maintains a high speed growth which has been stimulated by the consecutive increases of industrial output, imports & exports, consumer consumption and capital investment for over two decades. Rapid consolidation between medium and large players is anticipated since the Chinese government has been encouraging industry consolidation with an effort to regulate the industry and to improve competitiveness in the world market.

Air Techniques was started over 50 years ago with the goal of making the highest-quality, longest-lasting, hardest-working compressors and vacuums that meet the unique needs of dental offices. They still regularly hear from dentists who have their AirStar compressors or VacStar vacuum systems (or their predecessors) that were purchased and installed many, many years ago—but are still hard at work today.  So Air Techniques wants to know—where are our old reliable workhorse units?  And Air Tech wants to reward those dentists who have these long-running dental compressors and vacuum systems, and the service technicians who keep them running.

Although China has enjoyed the benefits of an expanding market for production and distribution, the industry is suffering from minimal innovation and investment in R&D and new product development. The sector’s economies of scale have yet to be achieved. Most domestic manufacturers lack the autonomic intellectual property and financial resources to develop their own brand name products.

This new study focuses on industry trends and forecasts with historical data (2005, 2010 and 2015) and long-term forecasts through 2020 and 2025 are presented.

The primary and secondary research of dental equipment is done in China in order to access up-to-date government regulations, market information and industry data. Data were collected from the Chinese government publications, Chinese language newspapers and magazines, industry associations, local governments’ industry bureaus, industry publications, and our in-house databases.

How We Choose Good Endodontic Instruments

Currently, there is a large number of endodontic motor instruments and instrumentation techniques on the market and being used today. Usually, when there are so many instruments and techniques to do the same job, it tells us that no single technique or instrument has found the answer to accomplishing the task in the easiest, most favorable way when compared to the others.

We can choose from hand instrumentation, rotary or reciprocal handpiece-driven instrumentation, ultrasonic and sonic instrumentation, and any combination of these. Not only are the delivery systems different, but there also are many different types of instruments themselves; for instance, files, reamers, headstroms, etc., and each can be made of either stainless steel or nickel titanium.

Each instrument and its accompanying technique have their own advantages and disadvantages. The key is to find a system to use in which all of the components are made to work together synergistically, such that they result in a procedure that is easy for the dentist to achieve the desired end results. In this instance, the desired end result is a debrided, clean canal that has been enlarged, shaped, and finished to receive a gutta-percha and sealed obturation. This should be able to be achieved in an easy, quick, not too expensive, predictable, operator friendly manner. The dentist should not have to be Michelangelo to achieve the desired result consistently on every patient.

We can make access, open into the pulp chamber, and find the root canal treatment equipments. Once the canals are found, I usually use a size #08 gray reamer to obtain my measurement. The measurement is achieved with the use of an apex locator. The apex locator is the only instrument we have that will give us the measurement to the constriction of the canal. Read the instructions for your apex locator, because each manufacturer marks a different point on its measurement scale indicating where the constriction or anatomic apex is located.

In other words, the foot pedal is pushed down in a continuous motion and kept down; the handpiece with the instrument is moved up and down with apical pressure being applied. Each downward peck cuts and opens up the canal wall, and the instrument moves closer to the working length. If the instrument is short of the measurement, it should not be pushed; rather, more pecks should be used to get the instrument to length. Once the canal is enlarged to a size #20 yellow SafeSider, the glide path is considered complete.

Take Serious of the Cleaning and Sterilization Process

Today’s busy dental practices face a serious challenge: to maintain or increase productivity while ensuring that patient safety remains a top priority. At times, these may seem like incompatible goals. Advances in processing dental equipment, however, have empowered practices to develop safer processes while realizing efficiencies and ultimately, saving money.

Effective and efficient infection control in the dental office is essential for the safety of patients and to ensure that productivity does not suffer. Infection control programs all include the cleaning and sterilization of reusable dental instruments and devices. Care must be taken by the dental healthcare professional to ensure that all instruments are cleaned prior to sterilization, and that this is carried out in a safe manner to avoid injury and puncture wounds.

A cleaning and sterilization process that meets ADA and CDC guidelines is vital to an effective infection control program. Streamlining of this process requires an understanding of proper methods, materials, and devices. Many methods of instrument reprocessing are available. Use of a complete system that encompasses and fulfills all elements that are critical maximizes efficiency and minimizes risks.

Closed cassette systems provide a more efficient and safer way to process, sterilize and organize instruments in a dental office- these eliminate manual steps during instrument reprocessing such as hand scrubbing and time-consuming sorting of instruments, thereby improving safety and increasing efficiency.

To prevent accidental injury with the contaminated instruments, special handling should be used to transport the instruments to the cleaning and sterilization area. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that, “Contaminated instruments should be handled carefully to prevent exposure to sharp instruments that can cause percutaneous injury. Instruments should be placed in an appropriate container at the point of use to prevent percutaneous injuries during transport to the instrument processing area.”

The fine tactile sensitivity needed during dental procedures is not necessary during instrument cleaning and sterilization; therefore, heavy-duty gloves pose no problem in this regard. Additionally, nitrile utility gloves are available in a variety of sizes, allowing a more secure fit.

The Proper Autoclave for Your Dental Practice

There are our guide of recommended questions every dentist should ask themselves before deciding on the best dental autoclave.

First, write a list of what you need to sterilise in your autocalve. Will you only place handpieces for cleaning or are you also planning on sterilising other items such as wrapped or hollow instruments in the machine? Also ask how many instruments you need to place to maximise space. Not enough room will mean extra cycles and too much room is a waste of water and energy. You want every cycle to be filled up as efficiently as possible.  This information will then determine the optimal chamber size you require.

If you haven’t already decided on the allotted bench space for your autoclave you’ll need to make this decision fairly quickly. Find out how much room you have and look for autoclaves within those dimensions. This then needs to relate back to step 1 to make sure the chamber size is large enough to sterilise all the instruments you need.

The space allocated will dramatically narrow down your search for an autoclave. You’ll also want to make sure there is plenty of room to open the autoclave door allowing staff to easily access instruments. If you need something narrow the Melag Melaquick 12+ is 20.5cm width x 45cm depth allowing for instruments up to 20 cms long. If you have plenty of space then you might consider Melag Vacuklav 24BL+ which is 75 x 42.5 x 48.5cm with a sterilisation chamber of up to 60cm.

One of the most frequent questions we get from dentists is whether to buy an autoclave that’s plumbed in or should they buy a stand-alone machine. With a plumbed in machine the autoclave will fill and empty itself as it’s attached to plumbing lines for drainage. On the other hand the stand alone machines need to have distilled water added manually plus staff also need to drain the machine, this can be unproductive on time management for your staff.

If you want to opt for a plumbed in machine and don’t already have the correct plumbing in place then you’ll need to budget this cost, but once it’s done then your staff will be able to work more productively as they won’t need to fill in the drain the machine manually. With the stand alone machine you are only able to use distilled water so if you don’t already have one you also need to purchase a water distiller.

How much do you have to spend? This will outline the number of features that will be available to you on this budget. There are many dental equipment for sale in our website, please take as a example. Plus think about operational costs such as servicing and the water and electricity bills that will happen every time you run the machine. The cheapest autoclave we stock is Melag Euroklav 29VS Autoclaves at $6495 and 17L in size this model is only available as a standalone machine and a printer attachment can be sold separately.

To keep your machine running optimally you complete a daily test cycle as per manufacturer’s regulations. It’s also recommended to have your autoclave professionally serviced every 12 months. Learn more about maintenance tips for your autoclave by clicking here and remember that better maintenance will keep your steriliser running longer avoiding unnecessary breakdowns leaving you without a machine.


10 Facts About the Dental Drill

10 Interesting Facts About the Dentist’s Drill

Diamond Coated Dental Drill Bit

1 – There are two main types of dental drills: the high-speed and the slow-speed.  The high-speed drill rotates around 250,000 RPM.  That means it spins around more than 4,000 times each second!

Even the relatively slow dental drill rotates at about 8,000 RPM.  By comparison, this DeWalt Drill is three times slower with a top speed of 2,500 RPM.(low speed handpiece)

2 – After using the dental drill on your tooth for 30 seconds, your dentist is subjected to as much bacteria as they would be had you sneezed right in their face (Source).  That’s one of the reasons most dentists wear face masks.

3  – The high-speed dental drill shoots out water as it spins, as you can see in the photo above.  If it didn’t, the friction would cause your tooth to get so hot during a filling that it could possibly damage the nerve inside your tooth.

4 – Many dentists now refer to the dental drill as a handpiece to make it seem more friendly and enticing.

5 – The dental drill has to withstand the rigors of sterilization after every use, which means it gets heated to 250° Fahrenheit with pressurized steam for at least 15 minutes.

6 – The very first dental drill appears to have been a bow drill used by an ancient civilization about 9,000 years ago.

7 – The drill bits that dentists use are made of tungsten-carbide.  Some have blades to cut teeth, like in the photo below, and others are coated with diamonds to give a sandpaper-like smoothing effect (see photo below).

8 – As recently as the early 20th century, many dentists used drills that were powered by a pedal that the dentist would pump with his foot.

9 – The distinct shrill sound that the high-speed dental drill makes can be a major factor in people’s fear of the dentist.  Even for those who don’t have dental fear, the dental drill’s noise can be very unpleasant.

10 – Dental drills can be expensive, with many costing over $1,000.  That’s a lot more expensive than your average home-improvement drill.

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Dental micro motor and dental handpiece

The dental micro motor and dental handpiece are one of the most used equipment in a dental lab, so you should take choose the best one for your practice into considering.

Most dental micro motor come with a corresponding handpiece , however, many vendors also offer a variety handpieces for each motor. Dental laboratory motors are often controlled via foot pedal, although some do offer a hand dial. If space is an issue, there are wall mounted motors. If mobility is important, there are also lightweight compact motors.

dental micro motor

Dental handpiece connection type is most likely “E” couple, as this is the most commonly used. Many electric motors support straight and contra-angle handpieces and some vendors manufacture a system with two motors allowing switching between low-speed and high speed handpiece without removing dental attachments.

There is a large number of laboratory dental handpieces and their corresponding motors on the market. Features vary from handpiece to handpiece but can include; all-in-one turbine, air nozzle and spray, reduced weight and ergonomic design, whisper quiet/ no vibration, high torque, fiberoptics and smooth transitioning while increasing or decreasing rpm’s. So you must consider what features that will be most beneficial to your dental lab as well as what materials your lab works with most frequently When choosing a dental laboratory handpiece and motor.


Tips on Selecting Portable Dental Equipment

Regardless of the purchasing process a school-based dental sealant program is required to follow, it is important to determine which brand and model of each piece of dental equipment china best meets the program’s needs.

Some dental manufacturers sell directly to programs, and some distribute equipment through dental suppliers. All dental manufacturers publish a manufacturer’s recommended retail price, which includes an established profit margin for the manufacturer, and, when appropriate, for the dental supplier. Also, some manufacturers publish discounted institutional prices for government and nonprofit agencies.

All retail prices should be considered negotiable. Institutional prices may be negotiable depending on the volume of the purchase and the profit margin the manufacturer has established.

All retail prices should be considered negotiable. Institutional prices may be negotiable depending on the volume of the purchase and the profit margin the manufacturer has established.
It may be preferable to purchase as many pieces of equipment as possible from a single manufacturer. Equipment will then be standardized and interoperable, and it can be calibrated before it is shipped to the program (e.g., the dental unit’s air pressure can be properly adjusted).

Some programs are required to request formal bids from prospective vendors. If a program’s purchasing requirements do not allow it to specify manufacturer and model, then the request for bids should detail the equipment specifications (e.g., size, weight, horsepower, foot candles, portability), as specifically as possible. Otherwise, program administrators may be forced to purchase from the manufacturer that provided the lowest bid, even though the equipment does not meet program needs.

Preparing Equipment for Use
Before portable dental equipment is moved into a school-based dental sealant program, administrators should allot time to prepare the equipment for use. The equipment should be unpacked, and program administrators should read all manuals and instructions.

The dental unit portable and noiseless dental compressor will need to be adjusted to work with the proper amount of air pressure. In some instances, quick-disconnect fittings will need to be installed on the compressor hose and dental unit. A service technician from a local dental supply company can calibrate equipment and assist with any adjustments. If no local dental supply companies are available, program administrators should consult the manufacturer. In some instances, manufacturer representatives can train staff to set up, use, and maintain the equipment.

The supplies a school-based dental sealant program needs depend upon the method of sealant application selected and program administrators’ and staff’s preferences. Table 4.2 provides a list of supply categories that should be considered when making purchases.