FAQ of UV Sterilization Machine Application

How Can UV be Utilized?
Beyond water and surface sterilization, UV can be used as a sterilization technique for other types of disinfection. UV can disinfect the air in isolated spaces, which is particularly beneficial in a hospital setting. Installing UV devices like lamps and lights at the top of rooms and other areas of circulation can disinfect the air as it moves, improving both the air quality and the effectiveness of the UV sterilization.

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What Type of UV Light is Best?
Most UV sterilization devices such as UV sterilizer cabinet use UV-C light as the source of their disinfecting power. UV-C light is an effective solution for sterilization, which is why it is the most widely used light type. However, it can cause some serious damage as well. UV-C light can penetrate human skin and cause damage or injury to the person using it, if not careful. UV-C light can also cause damage to certain plastics and rubber materials over time.

Where Can UV be Used?
While UV sterilization can be used as a supplemental infection control strategy for almost any situation, such as disinfecting water and work surfaces as mentioned above, the efficiency of the sterilization make other specialized spaces accessible as well.

Why Use UV Sterilization?
UV sterilization is not a new technology, having been discovered in 1879. Discovered to be a useful technology for cleaning infectious spaces, more studies were done to determine the exact beneficial nature of UV for sterilization purposes. Since the 20th century, UV sterilization has been used to disinfect things like water and work surfaces. UV light is a shorter wavelength than visible light, and is able to penetrate and destroy the bodies of viruses and bacteria.

When picking the right UV sterilizing device, the type of light used in the device is the most important factor in determining which device is the right one for your project. Because of its increased efficiency and improved safety, a device like the Far-UV Sterilray™ can be an incredible tool for sterilization and disinfection. For more information about the Far-UV Sterilray™, click the link for our Far-UV Sterilray™ fact sheet.If you are have any problem in choosing sterilization equipment such as dental autoclave sterilizer and dental dry heat sterilizer, you can feel free to contact our customer service.

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Why does rotary endo obturation system is better?

Currently, there are several rotary endodontic obturation systems in the dental market and all designed with one specific goal in mind – to clean and shape the canal(s). However, several research studies have illustrated that regardless of the type of file used to shape the canal, none are able to contact all the canal walls or surfaces.

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YUSENDENT COXO Dental Endo Gutta Percha Obturation Endodontic C Fill Gun CE

Files are generally categorized as:
Radial-ended files
Enable cleaning and shaping but the procedure is slower and safer
Examples include: Profile & K3
Non-radial-ended files
Cut more effectively but can also lead to errors if not properly managed
Examples include: ProTaper, Twisted Files, Endosequence
The most important factor when choosing and utilizing a particular file system is to follow the appropriate technique outlined by the manufacturer and dictated by the design of the file to remove vital or necrotic tissues from the canal spaces. This will optimize the files’ efficiency and minimize damage to the canal and tooth.

Each file system has advantages and disadvantages; the best system is the one you are proficient with and used to handling.

Additionally, clinicians must adhere to the principles of endodontic treatment:
Completely remove infected material from the canal space
Ensure there is a glide-path before using rotary files
Preserve tooth structure while reducing the risk of vertical root fracture in the future
Manage the apical preparation of the canal to avoid transportation or unnecessary enlargement
Carefully clean and shape the canals in furcation areas to decrease furcation involvement
With respect to obturation, there are 3 techniques that are employed.

  1. Warm Vertical Condensation
    This is the most commonly used technique in North America. Nowadays, there are several techniques which originated from the classic Schilder’s technique. (3) This technique requires clinicians to use a heat carrier (e.g. Touch n’ heat; Calamus Duo; Elements, Super Endo α2) as well as injectable gutta-percha (e.g. Obtura II, Calamus, Super Endo β)
  2. Carrier-based techniques
    This is a popular option used to fill canal spaces. Different carrier-based systems use different core materials to deliver gutta-percha to the canals. Currently, carriers made of cross-linked gutta-percha such as Gutta-Core (Tulsa/Dentsply) are available which may be easier to remove from the canal in situations where retreatment is necessary.
  3. Lateral condensation
    In this technique, gutta-percha cones are placed within the canal and finger spreaders are used to place filling material and pack the canal space. There is an increased possibility of vertical root fracture using this procedure if excessive pressure is applied against the canal walls.

At this time, there is no scientific evidence to suggest whether one system is more advantageous over another.

See more:https://www.dentalsalemall.com/category-80-b0-Endo-Equipment.html

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