How to Use the Dental Surgical Light for Dental Treatment Procedures

In both dental and surgical applications it’s common to find medical professionals utilizing attachable light sources on their loupes. The right amount of loupe light can be an essential component to any medical application. With a clear view, a doctor can perform procedures and exams thoroughly and safely. An attachable clip-on light typically generates light from a source that can be easily clipped-on or stored nearby. Some surgical models are designed in that the cord from the light source runs from a tabletop or wall-mounted platform. And here, we first need to introduce the dental surgical light which is a kind of dental supply for sale.

As any clinician will know, the correct lighting is essential if one is to perform precision-oriented tasks such as dental procedures. During the course of a working day, most dental practitioners are constantly having to adjust their vision to cope with the contrasting light conditions produced by operating lamp and consulting room overhead lighting. To complicate matters further, our eyesight tends to deteriorate with age, meaning that as we age, our eyes require more and more light in to order to perform at the same level. Eyestrain due to poor lighting can hasten optical deterioration as well as lead to eye strain, leading to headaches, fatigue and, if forced to continuously move towards a single light source, neck and back strain. It is therefore critical to ensure that your consulting rooms have dental lighting that minimises the risk of strain whilst also ensuring an optimal view of the patient’s mouth.

Both designs will work, it really just depends on the type of procedure and how your medical environment is set up. It’s important to keep in mind that a good light source can be essential during your medical application. Without proper dental surgical light, medical professionals can sometimes make an oversight when scrutinizing a patient. Loupes, in general, help determine a better diagnosis for patients and loupe light is an additional benefit during these applications. For many dentists, an attachable loupe light is a crucial component in performing precision dentistry. Dentists and dental assistants can often block the overhead light when examining a patient. Loupe lights allow dentists to focus light onto a particular spot in the patient’s mouth, without shining an uncomfortable bright light into the patient’s eyes. The benefits of using an added light source includes the ability to clearly see the precise area of the patient. With this clear visibility, doctor’s can use best practices as they keep their patient safe and provide excellent patient care. If you have any questions or comments regarding loupe light, please let us know in the comment box below!

The right dental lighting should strike a balance between providing enough high intensity illumination to enhance work precision, especially when it comes to things like colour matching for restorations and cosmetic work, whilst minimising glare and other visual irritants caused by phenomena such as strobing and flickering. Ideally, the ratio of contrast between the lighting used to illuminate the treatment site and the area surrounding the patient should never be greater than 1:5 in terms of strength. By way of example, then, if the working area around the patient’s mouth is in the region of 20,000 lux then the lighting in the environment immediately surrounding this should be no less than 4,000 lux. Specialist overhead lighting systems can help to soften this difference in lighting strength whilst simultaneously minimising shadows, glare and flickering and reduce heat emissions to ensure comfort and accuracy.

Information You Should Know About The Endodontic Motors

Endodontic instrumentation has advanced significantly in recent years with a range of powered rotary and reciprocating systems that can make root canal treatment easier to perform.

Endodontic electric motors are a part of this advancement as they provide clinicians with the ability to use special endodontic Nickel-titanium (NiTi) files.

NiTi rotary instrumentation should always be performed with slow-speed, low-torque electric motors with constant and precise torque suited to the canal being treated. Endo motors offer programmable settings, automatic reverse functions designed to reduce file breakage, and even integrated apex locators.

Dental equipments have three times more elastic flexibility in bending and torsion as well as superior resistance to torsional fracture when compared with size stainless-steel files that is why nickel-titanium files gradually force out hand stainless files.

NiTi files have many practical benefits:


— Predictable results every time even when dealing with  canals.

— Time Saving: with practice a standard molar can be totally cleaned and shaped in far less time than hand instrumentation.

— Less post-op pain owing to debris being extruded from the canal during the crown-down technique instead of being pushed through the apex during step-back.

— Less Fatigue for the operator compared to dental equipment.

— Less Transportation of canals.

Teeth with severely curved or S-shape roots should not be instrumented by rotary files to the working length because a NiTi file in a curved canal will have the tendency to straighten itself, resulting in transportation, zipping, and stripping.

Radius of curvature is the most significant factor in terms of predicting cyclic fatigue failure (separation) of the instrument.In other words, the more curved the canal, the greater the risk for separation.

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Information You Should Know About The Endodontic Motors


What Is The Dental Surgical Light ?

The requirements laid down in national and international standards and draft standards provide helpful guidelines for optimum illumination (Fig. 1, Table I). General room illumination with 500 lx and illumination of the working area with 1000 lx are best achieved with a larger number of fluorescent lamps on the ceiling above and in front of the dental chair. Daylight white lamps with good color rendering are a good combination with changing daylight and the color of light of the operating light. The color of external skin, mucous membrane and teeth appears natural. The eight surgical lights examined differ in quality (Figs. 2-9). The maximum illuminance is between 9000 and 21 000 lx and is thus sufficiently high. The evenness of dental surgical light distribution within an ellipse 9 cm and 18 cm in diameter is between 1 : 4 and 1 : 15 (Figs. 10 and 11). Illuminance can be adjusted to the work in hand by means of controls. If the patient looks into the operating lights (Figs. 2c and 9c), maximum luminances of 5 cd/cm2-20 cd/cm2 occur 8 cm above the illuminance maximum in six operating lights. Luminances of more than 20 cd/cm2 cause squinting and running eyes. A light fitting with more than 200 cd/cm2 should not be used.

Besides the dental surgical light, we can also see the dental examination light during teeth treatment. A sharp fall in illuminance (distinct light/dark threshold) and low luminances to the patient’s eyes can be achieved with very directed light. Very directed light leads to very heavy shadows. Similarly, less specifically directed light leads to softer shadows so that objects in the oral cavity can be discerned easily, but the patient is no longer dazzled. The following operating lights can be recommended if the patient is to suffer as little glare as possible: Den-Tel-Ez Daray, and Belmont Type 040, Faro Sunlight S 70, Ritter Super Starlite; as well as: Chirana Fax, Siemens Sirolux. The following can be recommended for good illumination of the oral cavity: Belmont Type 040, Chirana Fax, Emda Top Spot, Faro Sunlight S 70, Pelton and Crane Light Fantastic Plus, Ritter Super Starlite, Siemens Sirolux. The color temperature, heat radiation, easy handling, stability and price are also important for qualitative assessment.

Ways To Improve the Efficiency of Air Compressor

Air Compressor is used throughout many modern laundering facilities, and goes unnoticed until there is a problem. A closer look at the air compressors in most laundry facilities reveals many simple opportunities to make quick, high impact changes that will lower power costs and keep air-powered equipment operating reliably. A systematic approach helps uncover the best steps to take based on the current situation.

Depending on the size of the operation, top-performing laundering facilities require a compressor between 5 and 15 horsepower. Air compressor manufacturers rate their equipment based on both the horsepower and air capacity (cfm or l/min). To get an idea of the actual cost to operate an dental air compressor, users are left to interpret the horsepower rating of each dental equipment.

dental air compressor

For instance, why does one five horsepower compressor cost about a third as much as another? A close examination of the motor nameplate and air capacity of each quickly reveals that the two compressors are not really alike. To obtain the real cost of operation, examining the motor nameplate is a good place to start. The nameplate will reveal the voltage, operating amperes, nominal efficiency and power factor and the service factor of the motor.

Smile Confidently With Dental Implant Motor

Implantable Dental Motor restoring your perfect mouth state

The dental implant motor is a kind of dental implant machine which is often used in dental implant treatment.

dental implant machine

About Its Material and Methods

Patient population

Sixty-one implants were inserted in 7 adult patients (4 female and 3 male; age range 38 to 62 years). All patients were free of any medical conditions interfering with implant treatment. Five (71.43%) patients were smokers and 2 (28.58%) were nonsmokers. All patients had been referred from general dentists and were not previously treated for periodontal disease at the time of the first examination.


Each patient underwent a comprehensive dental and periodontal examination. Periodontal charting included documentation of probing depths, recessions, clinical attachment levels, bleeding on probing, tooth mobility, furcation involvement, and plaque scores. Periodontitis was diagnosed in the presence of more than 4 sites with clinical attachment loss exceeding 4 mm, radiographic evidence of alveolar bone loss, and bleeding on probing. Impressions for diagnostic casts were taken and a panoramic radiograph was obtained. Casts were mounted on a semi-adjustable articulator after face-bow transfer and check-bite registration.

An occlusal analysis was performed, diagnostic wax-ups were prepared on the articulated casts, and restorative treatment needs determined. Once the restorative and periodontal treatment plans were established, radiographic and surgical guides were fabricated to facilitate implant placement. Table 1 shows the patient treatment plan and time schedule.

Periodontal treatment

Periodontal treatment, including surgical treatment if necessary, had been performed previously on all patients.

Implant selection

Unless outlined differently, cylindrical screw implants with a large-grit sandblasted and acid-etched surface and either a 1.8-mm or a 2.8-mm smooth neck were used (ITI Straumann Standard Plus with a 1.8-mm smooth neck; (ITI Straumann Standard with 2.8-mm smooth neck)Implant size was determined based on assessment with a panoramic radiograph taken with a radiographic stent in place, and a clinical examination.


Do You Know What Is The Marathon Micro Motor Handpiece

The marathon micro motor  machine  is an instrument made with motor to use like the pencil and used for working with the turning force from the revolving motor up to 35000 rpm. And it is applied to cutting, grinding, polishing. The use of various burs according to the material and working way are available. The products are mainly used for dental laboratory and dental clinic. The use range has been expanded gradually for Jewelry, Nail, Engraving, orthopedics, Industry market, beauty wood carving, egg carving etc.
Marathon micro motor handpiece has many types. One of it is the dental micro motor handpiece.
Marathon micro motor handpiece
In its inclusion, brushless micro motor dental is one of the most popular product.
brushless micro motor dental
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All in all there is a strong trend in the whole world that brushless micro motor will replace carbon brushed micro motor in due time.
With human engineering design, comfortable to operate.
Forward & backward rotating,on & off switch, hand & foot control.
Special material and workmanship, no noise, no vibration and running more smoothly.
Much bigger power, much stronger torque.
Precise speed control system, precise speed adjustment.
Touch panel, more elegant, user friendly design.
With memory and fault warning function, intelligent control system.
Automatic protection against over current, overheating, overloading.
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