The Benefits of Piezo-electric Scaler

The piezo-electric scaler is a staple in our hygiene rooms. Hygienists in our office rave about our new piezo-electric scalers and, more importantly, patients are very complimentary about how their mouths feel after their maintenance visits. If you have the desire to move into the world of electric scalers, or are ready to upgrade, give considerable thought to the purchase of a piezo-electric scaler. This technology will stand the test of time. It is the ultimate in dental ultrasonic scalers.

Piezo-electric scalers in particular have some distinct advantages over many other conventional ultrasonic units. In addition to the previously mentioned benefits of ultrasonics in general, piezo-electric technology offers the following:

(1) versatile ultrasonic units have numerous clinical applications due to a comprehensive range of accessories; in addition to inserts for use in scaling and debridement, many other inserts are available for procedures such as periodontics, apical surgery, and prosthodontics; dozens of various inserts are offered that all fit on the same handpiece.

(2) less water is necessary during the procedure, adding to patient comfort and operator convenience; less need for management of excessive water accumulation; less water is required because the unit’s efficiency is greater than 90%—there is no delivered energy or mechanical friction, hence, little secondary temperature rise; since there is very little temperature rise, the handpiece can be used without water.

(3) LED curing light is available with some units—much more convenient to assemble and operate than conventional curing lights, saving time, money, and space; the light simply attaches to the unit in place of the piezo-electric handpiece; perfect for sealant curing in the hygiene room as well as for restorative materials.

(4) easy, convenient barrier protection—intraoral camera sheaths intimately fit many piezo-electric handpieces; barrier protection for the unit itself is provided by simply placing a sheet of plastic wrap loosely over the entire unit; with this in place, the operator can adjust the water and power setting and place the dental handpiece in its holder without contaminating the unit, which minimizes the use of surface disinfectant, which would add time following the procedure and risk damaging the unit.

(5) the use of state-of-the-art technology helps to strengthen patient relations; communicating with patients and educating them about the advantages of the piezo-electric scaler is a practice builder; patients feel more comfortable throughout the procedure and confident that they are receiving the best possible care.

Clinical Tips on Dental Curing Light

Dental curing lights, and the science behind them, have seen amazing growth and changes in the last few years. Here’s a look at some of the amazing things that have happened and why you should be aware of them.

The need for a reliable and effective curing light has grown as resin composites and light-cured materials such as sealants and adhesives have grown in popularity. Today the dental curing light is a key part of any dental practice’s armamentarium.

There are many options to consider when selecting the right curing light for your dental practice, but the focus of your search should be to find a light compatible with your preferred restorative materials. A light that operates at a variety of wavelengths will cure the largest number of materials, but it remains important to inquire if the light you want to purchase will work with the photoinitiators in the materials you use. Beyond the actual light the unit produces you also will want to decide if a cordless model is a good fit for you practice.

Another consideration is the body style of the light with pistol grip and wand styles the most common options. The light you choose should be comfortable in your hands and easy for you to maneuver so you can cure restorations throughout your patients’ mouths. A final consideration should be the construction of the light and the warranty backing its performance. You want to be sure your light will work whenever you need it.

Minimize heat by having the assistant direct a stream of air or a high-volume vacuum over the tooth crown during light curing. Placing a wet cotton roll directly on the tooth crown opposite the side of exposure will also lessen temperature rise, but not to the same extent as using air.

Minimize direct exposure to light sources using effective “blue-blocking” eyeglasses or shields for the clinician and patient.

Determine the loss of beam intensity with distance by holding the light guide at different distances from a dental curing radiometer. Curing potential of a restorative material depends on total energy received. Determine power at tip end, and multiply that by the recommended exposure duration — the product is the light energy intensity delivered. When moving the tip away, measure that power level and divide it into the light energy intensity calculated above. The result will be the exposure duration needed to account for power loss with increasing distance.

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Brief Historical Background of Controlled Memory Technology

Optimal cleaning and shaping of root canal systems requires, among many things, the coincident integration and tangible application of numerous anatomical, clinical, and technique driven considerations. For example, the case must be diagnosed correctly; the clinical risk assessed; the technique, clinical supplies, and instruments selected; and all of the above used correctly and simultaneously to achieve the treatment objectives.

The first generation of Ni-Ti was ground from Ni-Ti file blanks and not heat-treated. Such first-generation instruments are superelastic. Superelasticity denotes the ability of the file to deform (strain) from its original shape under a physical load (stress). Clinically, this is manifest as a Ni-Ti file rotating in a curved canal and returning to its original shape upon removal from the root canal treatment equipment.

In essence, the Ni-Ti undergoes a transformation (the instrument is “strained”) from its harder austenite crystalline phase configuration to its softer martensitic crystalline phase configuration while under such “stress.” When the stress is relieved, it returns to its original shape (austenite). Such behavior is termed “shape memory.” First-generation (nonheat-treated) Ni-Ti instruments can generally accommodate approximately an 8% strain before fracture. In contrast, CM instruments do not possess superelasticity and do not undergo the aforementioned transformation.

The second generation of Ni-Ti files is heat-treated, either in the bulk raw material stage before grinding or, alternatively, after grinding. CM instruments are a subset of this second generation of heat-treated instruments. CM technology was introduced in 2010. Heat treatment processes are proprietary.

Interestingly, there is a new file that is heat-treated only in the apical 10 mm of its cutting flutes, providing flexibility at its working end. To the author’s knowledge, for all other current systems, heat treatment encompasses the entire instrument.

CM files are unique among the commercial products available at this time. While made of heat-treated Ni-Ti, they remain curved as they rotate around a curved canal. CM files do not regain their original shape after use. Hence, they have “controlled memory.” The literature suggests this CM feature reduces transportation and conserves tooth structure. The literature also states that CM files are 300% to 900% more resistant to cyclic fatigue and have a statistically significant greater flexibility than their first generation superelastic counterparts. Aside from flexibility, CM files have essentially equivalent torsional strength to nonheat-treated files.

In the existing scientific literature published to date, there are no unfavorable reported findings on CM attributes. The current literature file on CM technology is available by email from the author on request.

See more, please visit:

Básicamente podríamos dividir a las lámparas de fotocurado en

Lámparas halógenas – Luz incandescente –  convencionales: 360 a 500 nm.Y de alta potencia: superior a 500 nm.:Son lámparas de cuarzo de tungsteno, en este tipo de lámparas la luz es emitida por un filamento generando una luz blanca que pasa a través de un filtro transformando la luz en una luz azul capaz de activar las canforoquinonas de los equipos odontologicos. De este proceso se genera la liberación de calor producto del 95% de la luz que son rayos infrarrojos, es por esto que traen incorporado a su estructura un ventilador mecánico para disipar el calor.  Para la mayoría de los composites o resinas compuestas su fotoactivador es la canforoquinona cuyo pico de excitación ronda lo 460nm. Por lo que estas lámparas trabajan los composites sin problemas.

Lámparas de arco de plasma – Luz de arco o xenón – 460 a 480 nm.:
El plasma es básicamente materia gaseosa altamente ionizada. La luz se genera mediante una descarga eléctrica en forma de arco voltaico entre dos electrodos de tungsteno, el gas xenón que se encuentra en este arco evitará la evaporación de los electrodos y tras este proceso no se produce liberación de calor lo cual es una de sus ventajas. La intensidad de la luz puede ser el doble o el triple de la luz halógena convencional, sin embargo, debido a esta potencia la contracción que se generan en las resinas compuestas o composites es también mayor por lo que no han tenido tan buenos resultados clínicos.

Lámparas de polimerización laser – Luz de argón o de diodos – 488 a 904 nm. L: Light A: Amplification S: Stimulated E: Emision R: Radiation:
Su característica principal es el tipo de fotón producido, permanece constante en la misma frecuencia generando una mayor potencia y áreas más concentradas y más pequeñas, entre sus ventajas destaja la baja producción de rayos infrarrojos traducido en menor calor. Su efecto sobre la polimerización correcta de los composites es hoy en día cuestionable ya que su potencia se encuentra por encima del pico de excitación de las canforoquinonas.

Lámparas de fotocurado LED. – Luz emisión de diodos – 450 a 480 nm. – L: Light E: Emitting D: Diode:
La luz en estos casos es emitida a través de un diodo que no es más que un semiconductor que facilita el paso de luz en un sentido, desde el ánodo hasta el cátodo y lo dificulta en sentido contrario. Dentro de sus ventajas se encuentra que no requieren ningún tipo de sistema de refrigeración en su estructura debido a que no liberan calor en la producción de la luz, haciéndolas también más silenciosas.

How Root Canal Treatment Exactly Carried Out

The procedure of root canal treatment involves removing the internal parts of the tooth chamber and then filling the empty cavity with a suitable compatible material. It is a painless procedure that is usually completed within 4 sittings but may extend to 7-8 depending on the doctor and the extent of damage. We will describe the root canal treatment and how it is exactly carried out by root canal treatment equipment in detail.

The dentist first diagnoses the patient and advices him to go for treatment in case his root canal has gotten destroyed. The tooth area is then separated from the other regions with the help of a rubber dam kit. This ensures that the probability of mixing of fluids from the motor and saliva doesn’t take place. Thereafter the dentist would drill in a cavity in the tooth with the help of an aerator and thereafter root canal files are used to entirely clean the root. These files also help in removing the pulp of the tooth.

Subsequently the dentist will temporarily fill the cavity with a filling material and also place in a soothing medicine so as to prevent any kind of infection.

Over a period of sittings, the dentist observes if the root canal’s health has improved and once convinced the temporary fillings are removed and the pulp chamber and the root canal is permanently filled. A tapered, rubbery material called as gutta percha is inserted into each of the canals and more often than not the procedure is completed with the opening being sealed with cement. The last stage involves crowning the tooth so as to restore its natural shape and appearance. The crown will help to restore the tooth’s strength and protect it from cracking. The crown needs to be placed soon after having root canal treatment.

Nonliving (non-vitaltherapy) tooth:With this treatment method dentist will provide general sedation to numb the unpleasant teeth.In non-vital pulp therapy, your pulp is removed through the top of the teeth and also from the root. Dentist will probably clean up the canal and also seal using long-lasting barrier materials just like a rubber kind material or dental lab equipment  known as ‘gutta percha’. Then a stainless-steel cover is placed over the teeth.