How to Make Teeth White and Bright

According to tooth whitening Glasgow dentists, tooth whitening solutions are affordable and available to most Glasgow residents. Dental whitening machine will help dentist much. There are teeth whitening options available for all budgets and for all patient temperaments and the whitening process will always leave your teeth significantly whiter and brighter than before.

There are two types of teeth discoloration. Extrinsic teeth stains are discoloration that are caused by external factors such as smoking, drinking and aging. The dirt or discoloration is on the teeth enamel. This means that the original tooth is okay and with removal of the dirt, the teeth should be back to normal.

If the extrinsic stains are mild, you can remove them by simple dental processes such as brushing your teeth or prophylactic dental cleaning. On the other hand, if the strains are strong, you may require other more forceful treatments such as teeth bleaching. If not managed in good time, the extrinsic stains can get ingrained into your teeth and thereby forming a permanent stain.

Intrinsic teeth stains are stains that form from within your teeth. Such stains can be caused by teeth being exposed to tetracycline and other related minerals especially during teeth formation. Taking a lot of fluoride in your diet also causes intrinsic stains.

Like variations in hair color, we are born with our own base tooth color. Some of us naturally have whiter, lighter colored teeth than others. This is why a dentist consults a shading chart before doing dental work, such as bonding or crown work; in which matching tooth color is important. Changes in the teeth’s base color can be difficult to achieve through bleaching.

Due to the variety of factors that cause tooth discoloration, a consultation with a dentist before embarking on a tooth whitening program is a good idea. A dentist can assess whether at-home bleaching, for instance, will likely whiten your teeth and how much whitening one can expect. An excessively stringent whitening program can cause damage to tooth enamel and be counter-productive in some patients, as can excessive brushing in an attempt to attain a brighter smile. You can buy dental instruments like ultrasonic scaler from internet.

For some patients, routine brushing and dental cleaning is all that is needed to keep your smile white. Others may need to take more drastic measures, such as dental veneers, which can aesthetically correct tooth discoloration resistant to bleaching, as well as the appearance of cracks, gaps and broken teeth for a more thorough smile rejuvenation.