10 Facts About the Dental Drill

10 Interesting Facts About the Dentist’s Drill

Diamond Coated Dental Drill Bit

1 – There are two main types of dental drills: the high-speed and the slow-speed.  The high-speed drill rotates around 250,000 RPM.  That means it spins around more than 4,000 times each second!

Even the relatively slow dental drill rotates at about 8,000 RPM.  By comparison, this DeWalt Drill is three times slower with a top speed of 2,500 RPM.(low speed handpiece)

2 – After using the dental drill on your tooth for 30 seconds, your dentist is subjected to as much bacteria as they would be had you sneezed right in their face (Source).  That’s one of the reasons most dentists wear face masks.

3  – The high-speed dental drill shoots out water as it spins, as you can see in the photo above.  If it didn’t, the friction would cause your tooth to get so hot during a filling that it could possibly damage the nerve inside your tooth.

4 – Many dentists now refer to the dental drill as a handpiece to make it seem more friendly and enticing.

5 – The dental drill has to withstand the rigors of sterilization after every use, which means it gets heated to 250° Fahrenheit with pressurized steam for at least 15 minutes.

6 – The very first dental drill appears to have been a bow drill used by an ancient civilization about 9,000 years ago.

7 – The drill bits that dentists use are made of tungsten-carbide.  Some have blades to cut teeth, like in the photo below, and others are coated with diamonds to give a sandpaper-like smoothing effect (see photo below).

8 – As recently as the early 20th century, many dentists used drills that were powered by a pedal that the dentist would pump with his foot.

9 – The distinct shrill sound that the high-speed dental drill makes can be a major factor in people’s fear of the dentist.  Even for those who don’t have dental fear, the dental drill’s noise can be very unpleasant.

10 – Dental drills can be expensive, with many costing over $1,000.  That’s a lot more expensive than your average home-improvement drill.

See more:https://www.oyodental.com/

Dental micro motor and dental handpiece

The dental micro motor and dental handpiece are one of the most used equipment in a dental lab, so you should take choose the best one for your practice into considering.

Most dental micro motor come with a corresponding handpiece , however, many vendors also offer a variety handpieces for each motor. Dental laboratory motors are often controlled via foot pedal, although some do offer a hand dial. If space is an issue, there are wall mounted motors. If mobility is important, there are also lightweight compact motors.

dental micro motor

Dental handpiece connection type is most likely “E” couple, as this is the most commonly used. Many electric motors support straight and contra-angle handpieces and some vendors manufacture a system with two motors allowing switching between low-speed and high speed handpiece without removing dental attachments.

There is a large number of laboratory dental handpieces and their corresponding motors on the market. Features vary from handpiece to handpiece but can include; all-in-one turbine, air nozzle and spray, reduced weight and ergonomic design, whisper quiet/ no vibration, high torque, fiberoptics and smooth transitioning while increasing or decreasing rpm’s. So you must consider what features that will be most beneficial to your dental lab as well as what materials your lab works with most frequently When choosing a dental laboratory handpiece and motor.


Tips on Selecting Portable Dental Equipment

Regardless of the purchasing process a school-based dental sealant program is required to follow, it is important to determine which brand and model of each piece of dental equipment china best meets the program’s needs.

Some dental manufacturers sell directly to programs, and some distribute equipment through dental suppliers. All dental manufacturers publish a manufacturer’s recommended retail price, which includes an established profit margin for the manufacturer, and, when appropriate, for the dental supplier. Also, some manufacturers publish discounted institutional prices for government and nonprofit agencies.

All retail prices should be considered negotiable. Institutional prices may be negotiable depending on the volume of the purchase and the profit margin the manufacturer has established.

All retail prices should be considered negotiable. Institutional prices may be negotiable depending on the volume of the purchase and the profit margin the manufacturer has established.
It may be preferable to purchase as many pieces of equipment as possible from a single manufacturer. Equipment will then be standardized and interoperable, and it can be calibrated before it is shipped to the program (e.g., the dental unit’s air pressure can be properly adjusted).

Some programs are required to request formal bids from prospective vendors. If a program’s purchasing requirements do not allow it to specify manufacturer and model, then the request for bids should detail the equipment specifications (e.g., size, weight, horsepower, foot candles, portability), as specifically as possible. Otherwise, program administrators may be forced to purchase from the manufacturer that provided the lowest bid, even though the equipment does not meet program needs.

Preparing Equipment for Use
Before portable dental equipment is moved into a school-based dental sealant program, administrators should allot time to prepare the equipment for use. The equipment should be unpacked, and program administrators should read all manuals and instructions.

The dental unit portable and noiseless dental compressor will need to be adjusted to work with the proper amount of air pressure. In some instances, quick-disconnect fittings will need to be installed on the compressor hose and dental unit. A service technician from a local dental supply company can calibrate equipment and assist with any adjustments. If no local dental supply companies are available, program administrators should consult the manufacturer. In some instances, manufacturer representatives can train staff to set up, use, and maintain the equipment.

The supplies a school-based dental sealant program needs depend upon the method of sealant application selected and program administrators’ and staff’s preferences. Table 4.2 provides a list of supply categories that should be considered when making purchases.

Zahnstein entfernen: Wie lässt sich vorbeugen?

Die Routineuntersuchungen beim Zahnarzt, bei der Du Dir den Zahnstein entfernen lassen kannst, sind ein erster wichtiger Baustein für eine gesunde Mundhygiene. So erkennt Dein Zahnarzt bei dieser Untersuchung sowohl den Zahnstein als auch andere Erkrankungen und kann diese rechtzeitig behandeln. Eine Zahnsteinentfernung pro Jahr wird daher auch von den gesetzlichen Krankenkassen übernommen. Natürlich besteht aber auch über diese jährliche Behandlung hinaus die Möglichkeit, Zahnstein entfernen zu lassen. (ultraschall zahnsteinentferner)
Weitere Behandlungen musst Du jedoch selbst tragen. Die Kosten hierfür liegen mit festgelegten 13,39 Euro pro Zahnsteinentfernung jedoch in einem überschaubaren Rahmen. Darüber hinaus bieten Zahnärzte auch professionelle Zahnreinigungen an, die über die einfache Zahnsteinentfernung hinausgehen. So werden Verfärbungen und Ablagerungen gründlicher entfernt, die Zähne poliert und mit einem speziellen Flouridlack behandelt, der den Zahnschmelz besonders schützt. Derartige Behandlungen machen durchaus Sinn und unterstützen Dich bei der täglichen Zahnpflege. Allerdings musst Du die Kosten für eine professionelle Zahnreinigung, die sich von Arzt zu Arzt unterscheiden können und etwa bei 50 Euro pro Behandlung liegen, selbst tragen. Die wichtigste Methode, um Zahnstein zu entfernen, bevor er entsteht, ist jedoch die tägliche Zahnpflege zu Hause. So solltest Du Deine Zähne mindestens zwei Mal täglich gründlich putzen, um weiche Zahnbeläge zu entfernen, bevor sie sich zu Zahnstein verhärten können. Eine elektrische Zahnbürste ist hierfür am besten geeignet. Doch auch Handzahnbürsten mittlerer Stärke bringen bei der richtigen Putztechnik gute Ergebnisse. Jeder Putzvorgang sollte mindestens drei Minuten dauern. Da Zahnstein auch in den Zahnzwischenräumen entstehen kann, empfiehlt sich darüber hinaus der Gebrauch von Zahnseide.

Gehe regelmäßig zum Zahnarzt, damit er Deinen Zahnstein entfernen kann! Auf diese Weise beugst Du schlimmeren Erkrankungen wie Karies und Parodontose wirkungsvoll vor. Doch auch zu Hause kannst Du einiges tun. Schon zehn Minuten pro Tag für die Pflege Deiner Zähne reichen aus, um Deine Mundhygiene deutlich zu verbessern.

» mehr:zahnarzt instrumente günstig