What other features does a dental compressor need to have?

dental compressor

Dental scroll compressor. Photo: Atlas Copco
Besides producing clean air (no oil, no water), a dental compressor has some other features that are a must-have for many dentists.

As they are installed in a clean clinic, in a office-like environment (as opposed to an industrial environment), the compressor needs to be quiet, small and work on a standard 220 / 100 volt power outlet.

As the dentist will be busy with its everyday job of fixing peoples teeth, he won’t be very concerned with compressor maintenance. So a maintenance free compressor would be ideal.

When buying a compressor, also make sure that the output (the amount of air it can produce per minute or hour) is right for you. A too-small compressor will give you problem for the obvious reason that the pressure will drop when too many people use air at once.

But a too big compressor can also cause problems. If the compressor is so big that it only runs for 5 minutes a day, every other day, than problems with corrosion can occur, as the compressor never gets the chance to run for some time and get hot. It’s like when you lie in your bed all day for a year… you’ll get slow, lazy, tired.

Installation location: important!
A dental air compressor is typically installed in one of two locations: a small one inside each chair, or a big one in a central location.

Often, the location of the compressor is not given too much though. Many times it’s installed in a boiler room or basement. Don’t do this.

The quality of the air produced is as good as the quality of the air that is sucked in. In a hot, damp boiler room, or in a cold and damp basement, the chances of dirt water an bacteria growth in the compressed air system is much higher.

Install the compressor in a place where it can suck in clean air and where you can easily reach it for maintenance. Dental compressors are so quiet nowadays, that there is no need to hide it in the basement anymore.

Compressor permits
In some countries or states, a compressor permit is need when installing a compressor of certain size (for example a tank size of 100liters or more) or pressure rating (for example more than 13 bar) inside a residential area. Please check with your local authorities if this is the case in your area.

In some countries it is required that the dental compressor has the right cetfiication. For example TUV, CE, AOTC or ISPESL. Please check with your local authorities.

What you should know before purchasing curing light

The selection of a curing light for sale that fits your style of practicing remains one of the most important equipment purchases you will make. If you have an active restorative practice, it is a device that you use virtually every time you treat a patient. The right light can help you achieve success, while the converse is true – the wrong light can make your efforts more tedious and your results less consistent.

Dental curing lights allow us to initiate the polymerization reaction “on demand” for a vast array of materials. However, there is, perhaps, more misinformation and hype regarding this type of equipment compared to just about anything else we use on a daily basis. Most of these controversies center on how long you have to cure specific types of restorations as well as how deep you can cure specific types of materials.

Manufacturers continue to make outlandish claims of their curing capabilities, most of which fall into the “too good to be true” category. An example is the claim that a new light can accomplish a “5mm depth of cure in 3 seconds”. Please don’t be fooled by these ads – you absolutely, positively cannot cure a composite in three seconds. Period. End of discussion.

If you undercure a restoration, for example, you may not even be aware of the negative sequelae for years. Therefore, selecting a curing light and using it properly can greatly affect the performance and longevity of your restorations.

Types of Dental Curing Lights
Use a halogen bulb as the source of light.

+ Reliable – long track record

+ Cures all materials due to wide bandwidth (400nm-510nm)

– Requires a cord due to power consumption

– Cooling fans are necessary and can be noisy

Plasma Arc
Bulb is really an aluminum oxide, high pressure vessel, which contains highly energized xenon gas (plasma) under 150psi. The inside shape is specific to reflect light arcing between two electrodes. Arc is only about 1mm long, enabling a very focused beam.

+ Very fast (when a small tip is used)

– Expensive

– Large base units

– May not cure all materials

– Requires a cord that may be liquid-filled, may be stiff, and can degenerate over time

Argon Laser
Generates light when energy is applied to an atom raising an electron to a higher, unstable energy level. Electron will return to stable level by releasing light through a medium of argon gas.

+ Fast

– Very expensive

– Large base units

– Small tips

– May not cure all materials

– Require a cord due to power consumption

LED (Light Emitting Diode)
Special diodes (electronic devices that restrict current flow chiefly to one direction) that emit light when connected in a circuit.

+ Cordless or corded

+ Lightweight

+ Small

+ Long battery life due to the low power usage

– May not cure all materials

– Some have poor and/or no selection of tips

– May shut down due to overheating during long curing intervals

Types of Dental Autoclave Sterilizer in Dental Setting

It is vital that the type of sterilizer being used is clearly identified as this dictates not only what can be processed in the chamber but also how the machine is tested and validated.
When purchasing a new machine the cost is obviously a focal point. What is often not apparent is the ongoing cost of validating the machine after purchase. This is particularly essential when purchasing a vacuum sterilizer.

Autoclave Class B STERILIZER
For example, HTM01-05 daily steam penetration testing can cost a few pence per day for some B type sterilizers totaling under a hundred pounds for the year. Some S type sterilizers however can cost several pounds per day totaling several hundred pounds per year for the same test. The cost saving on initial purchase can be quickly eclipsed by the ongoing cost of validation.
Autoclaves commonly sterilise by exposing its charge (items to be sterilised) to elevated temperatures of 121 to 134ºC under pressure of 15 to 30 psi, for a holding time of anywhere between three to 30 minutes. Please note that the three to thirty minutes time is the holding time at the set elevated temperature and not the total process or cycle time. Total cycle time would be far greater. The combination of the three lethal parameters of time, temperature and steam, deliver a powerful kill rate which even the hardest of bacteria find hard to survive. This effective and yet clean method of lethality is unmatched by any of the other methods of sterilisation.
Saturated steam at this temperature is an excellent carrier of heat. The operative word is saturated steam. The steam condenses onto its charge and as it does so, it not only expands its huge latent heat but also draws in additional steam to replace the condensed steam. Thus, the heat transfer is very efficient and the penetration levels extremely high.
However, if there is residual air in the chamber and load, it will interfere with steam-instrument contact and may compromise sterilisation. This residual air can prevent penetration of steam to the depths of the load, leaving your sterilisation incomplete. When you load the autoclave with instruments and close the lid, there is already a lot of stale air trapped inside. For sterilisation to take place, this air needs to be effectively purged and replaced with saturated steam. To resolve this problem of purging entrapped air, normal dental autoclave sterilizer will have a manual, mechanical or electrically operated valve open till about 100ºC. Once it is closed, the pressure and temperature begins to rise. It is presumed that by this time, the entire entrapped inner air has been purged. However, tests have shown that this is not an effective method for vials, wrapped items, implants, garments and certain types of hollow ware. You can never be assured of efficient penetration of steam right inside, if you are using a regular autoclave. Even a small volume of entrapped air can compromise your sterility assurance level simply because ordinary entrapped air is a very bad conductor of heat and moisture. These pockets of air cannot conduct heat to the load with the same vigour as steam and therefore cold spots remain within the load.

Marathon pieza de mano N7S S04 Características

Marathon pieza de mano N7S S04 Características

Marathon Micromotor Pieza de Mano N7S S04 Motor

1.  Intercambia el método de la herramienta mediante leva (girar la manija en sentido contrario de las agujas del reloj para cambiar la fresa y fácilmente restaurar de nuevo a la posición original)
2.  Sistema de velocidad no etapa(Está bien diseñado para la producción de cero a 35,000RPM mediante el uso de sistema de velocidad no etapa)
3.  Derecha e izquierda capacidad de girar
4.  Sistema de interruptor de pedal Encendido/ Apagado (sistema de control variable usando el pie)
5.  La cubierta protectora de plástico
6.  Control de velocidad variable continua
7.  Caja de control de gran alcance en el dental N7S micromotor
8. Avance/reverso interruptor (derecha / izquierda)
9.  Fácil cambio de la dirección de avance de eficiencia
10. No hay calor después de largas horas de operación debido al diseño eléctrico eficaz
11.  Potente torque y control de velocidad continuamente variable

Energía Eléctrica: 110V o 220V
Micromotor Pieza de mano: MARATÓN SDE-H37L
Velocidad: 0 – 35.000 r.p.m.
Tamaño de cable: 2,35 mm o 3,0 mm
Peso: 2,5 kg
Tamaño de fresa: 2,35mm
Voltaje de alimentación de : <A> 220V / 50Hz ± 10% <B> 110V / 60Hz ± 10%

Caja de control x 1
SDE-H37L1 (35,000RPM) Pieza de mano Micromotor1 x
Interruptor Encendido / Apagado de pedal del pie x 1
Manual de Operación x 1

How to choose an portable dental implant unit?

Implant unit motors are necessary equipment for placing dental implants. They are composed of a bracket, a pedal, a marathon micromotor and a contra-angle which is connected to the micromotor.
Most manufacturers recommend their own implant unit, but they are independent from the dental implant itself. As a result, you can choose any implant unit you like, no matter which dental implant you use. Moreover, following a little research, you can find motors with a good value for money.
There are several manufacturers specialized in the manufacturing of implant portable dental units such as Bien Air, Nouvag, NSK, Mariotti, W & H etc. All these brands can supply you with machines able to perform surgeries with full guarantees. However, you need to make the appropriate choice according to your needs.
Factors to consider in choosing a micromotor:

Basic functions such as clamping and speed control are available on all engines. However, some extra features can be offered according to your needs. For example, some implant engines have programmes to set up the drilling protocol for each implant or getting the hardness of the bone that you’re milling.

Incorporated Lighting
Some units have an incorporated light or LED on the head of the contra-angle. This function enables you to see much better during procedures. Obviously this has a cost and, for this reason, you need to assess whether this feature is needed.

Type of  Pedal
There are models with very simple pedals that control only the on/off button, but there are other much more complex pedals with three or four buttons that control different functions.

Tightening of Torque
The maximum tightening torque of the motor is a very important criteria to consider.

Warranty& After Sales
Another critical point to consider is whether the dental implant equipment has a warranty and after sales/repairing service. Most of the manufacturers offer a warranty of one or two years. If the manufacturer does not have a technical service in your country, you may have to find a good technician for repairs. We recommend that you buy 2 units so you have a spare one if the main one is out of service during a surgery.

The price of the micromotor is directly proportional to the incorporated functions. So if you want to save, you can go for basic technical features excluding lighting or complex programming modes.

Finding irrigation lines that are compatible with the engine is very easy and price may be a point to consider when choosing a motor.

What Should Take into Considertation in choosing portable dental units?

Portable Micro Motor M1 25,000rpm Features