FAQ of Dental Implant Surgery Part I

What to Expect Immediately After Dental Implant Surgery
Dr. Emery and Dr. Ryan place dental implants under either local anesthetic or IV sedation.
Local anesthetic will probably leave your mouth feeling numb for a few hours after the procedure, but your mental state will be unaffected.
IV sedation puts you into a relaxed, sleepy state, during which you won’t feel any pain. If you choose this type of anesthesia, you will continue to feel drowsy for a few hours after the implant fitting procedure. You will need to refrain from driving or operating machinery during this time.
You should probably expect to rest for a full day after getting dental implants placed. You may need to take painkillers such as ibuprofen or Tylenol to relieve pain in the extraction site. During the first 24 hours, you might have bleeding, which can be controlled by biting down on gauze.

Will Dental Implant Recovery Make Me Miss Work?
Chances are you’ll be back on the Metro right away after your dental implant placement. Many people return to work following a single day of rest after dental implant surgery, whereas others feel that they need an extra day or two to recover. There is no rule to say you must stay off work during the recovery time for dental implant surgery, but you should avoid overexerting yourself if possible to help your body recover quickly. Listen to your body and rest if you need to.

The Days Following Dental Implant Surgery
The most important stage in the recovery time for dental implant surgery is the first two weeks. During this time, you should eat soft foods, refrain from smoking, and continue rinsing with salt water or oral rinse several times a day. Taking these steps will avoid irritating the extraction site and minimize the risk of infection. If Dr. Emery or Dr. Ryan has given you antibiotics or other types of medication to take, make sure you take them as directed.

Long-Term Recovery Time for Dental Implant Surgery
Dental implants gradually fuse with your natural bone in a process that can take several months to complete. You should keep all follow-up appointments with our office, even if you feel well, as it is essential to check on the progress of the implant’s integration.

Is the Recovery Time for Dental Implant Surgery Worth It?
Dental implants can make a massive difference to your quality of life. They not only look natural, but they also give you the full functionality of normal teeth. Compared to the benefits that most people gain from dental implants, the recovery time is very minor. If you are at all concerned about any aspect of getting dental implants, including the recovery period, please feel free to call us or set up a dental implant consultation where Dr. Emery or Dr. Ryan can provide information that is specific to your case.

If you want to purchase dental implant equipment or know more dental news, you can visit our site:oyodental.com.