Unités dentaires portables Greeloy GU-P302 Caractéristiques

Greeloy® Porte-instrument mobile système électrique et ultrasonique GU-P302

Combi Port Premium
Matériel dentaire pour soins ambulatoires (made in Swiss)
Unité tout air dans valise en abs
Etanche a l’air a l’eau résiste a la corrosion
Couvercle avant amovible
Chariot de transport en inox

1 Interrupteur principal
1 Seringue 3 voies air/eau
1 Réservoir liquide en circuit fermé pour spray et seringue avec vanne anti retour
Réservoir de 1 litre
3 Cordons pour instruments rotatifs a air (turbine/moteur/détartreur) avec sélecteur automatique
1 Aspiration de vide avec tuyau chirurgical avec adaptateur pour canule pour salive et crachoir
Réservoir de récupération 1 litre avec arrêt automatique de remplissage
1 Régulateur d’air et d’eau pour les instruments
1 Régulateur du filtre a air avec tuyau de 6×4 mm)
1 Pédale a pression
1 Compresseur d’air dentaire comp premium -sans huile -débit 75 l/mn/4 bars/ pression 8 bars /48 db /réservoir 4 litres

Livrée sans instruments dynamiques

The Teeth Whitening Machine KY-M 208AB Handling Instruction

Today we would like to share the Machine Handling Instruction For Bleaching System KY-M 208AB to you. Please follow the below instruction to operate the teeth whitening machine.

Saab® Teeth Whitening LED Bleaching System KY-M209A

1.Put the attaching plug of the bleaching system into the power socket, and then open the power switch of the bleaching system, and at the same time the screen of the machine will turn on, and it will show every parameter before closing the machine last time.

2.Press the key of “TIME”, the showing time will shine, at that moment you can adjust the time by the key of up(▲)and down(▼),when you press the key for one time, it will increase or decrease 1 minute, and the maximum range for the adjusting time is 30 minutes, you can set the whiten time up to the need, after the setting time ,you can press the key of the “TIME” again in order t o fix the setting time.

3.Press the key of “POWER”, the magnitude of the output power will shine, at that time you can adjust the key of up (▲)and down(▼)in order to set the magnitude which you need, when you press one time, you will increase or decrease 10%, the rang of the output power from 40% to 100%, you can select every power you want, according to the need after finishing the custom setup, you can press the key of “POWER” again to fix the power you set.

4.Press the key of “A/B”, LED groups choosing will shine, you can set up the out put require according to your need by the key of up(▲)and down(▼). There are three modes to be chosen: “A” for the upper group; “B” for the lower group; “AB” for both groups. Choose the output require and press “A/B” again to confirm.

5.Press the key “START”, the bleaching system will light, and at that time the bleaching system will work according to the setting demand, and the screen will show the left working time, when the time is up, the bleaching system will close automatic; when you want to stop working in the whiten process, please press the key of “START”.(Note: when the bleaching system stop working , the cooling fan inside the machine will go on working 1 minute to protect the LED pipe and the safety system).

6.There is a thermometer guard unit in the bleaching system, when the temperature of the blue light LED pipe exceed 60℃, the bleaching system will stop working to protect the safety system.

If you need instrucion of dental micro motor, please email us. It’s our pleasure to help you!


FAQ:Teeth Whitening Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the treatment take?
The process takes only 30-minutes, (2 – 15-minute applications) to achieve a whiter and brighter smile. It is broken down into two 15-minute applications to allow for maximum gel concentration and light exposure, without being under the light for too long of a period to cause gum irritation.  Individuals with sensitive teeth may reduce the intensity of the bleaching unit by choosing a lower power setting and those with very heavy stains may need additional treatments. see more other dental news at Oyo Dental.

How many shades whiter can I expect my teeth to get?
The amount of whitening varies from client to client and cannot be predicted or guaranteed; but in general use, teeth may lighten anywhere from 6 to 12 shades on the whitening shade guide.  The results depend greatly on how discolored the teeth were originally.  Yellow or brown teeth, surface stains, and uniformly darkened teeth are easiest to whiten.  Additional whitening treatments may be needed in order to achieve the desired shade, especially with heavily stained teeth.

How long will the treatment last?
This will very from client to client and greatly depends on the types of foods and drinks you include in your everyday diet. This also greatly depends on your general dental hygiene habits.  The affects from this bleaching process should last from 6 months to a year.  Again, depending on your habits, periodic touch up treatments maybe recommended for those who drink coffee, smoke, drink red wine, iced tea, colas, and other staining foods.  Typically, most people like to whiten again every 3 to 6 months.

Is it Safe?
Yes, LaserLight’s FDA approved-for-market White Brilliance whitening light and gel ingredients are safe and effective for cosmetic teeth whitening.  The dental industry has used this same technology and gel products for many years.  This process does not change or damage the structure of the teeth —  it just makes them appear whiter and brighter.

Does this process hurt?
Most client experience no pain or sensitivity from the treatment.  A very small percentage of clients experience some slight tingling sensations. We advise to avoid very hot or very cold drinks if tooth sensitivity does occur.  If tooth sensitivity develops, fluoride home care gel can be recommended for reducing sensitivity.  In the unlikelihood that sensitive persists for more then several hours, we will recommend that you contact your dentist.  We also recommend that you visit your dental office regularly. Lastly, the bleaching gel, if misplaced and comes in contact with the gums, can cause temporary inflammation and white spots.  This should resolve itself within a few hours.

Related goods:

dental led whitening machine

What is a Dental Curing Light Used for?

A curing light is a light which is designed to rapidly cure a resin. Curing lights are used primarily in the dental industry, where they are used in fillings, sealants, and adhesives for various dental procedures. Other versions of the curing light can be seen in use in manufacturing, where rapid and even curing can be an important part of the manufacturing process. A number of companies produce curing lights which have been custom designed for particular applications, ranging from electronics to dentistry.

In the dental field, a curing light can use ultraviolet or visible light, depending on what it is designed for. Both dentist and patient need to wear eye protection to limit damage to the retina for even the 20 seconds to a minute that the light is in use during rapid curing, and the light needs to be well maintained so that it will work properly and effectively. It’s also important to use the right curing light for the right resin product; many lights are designed to handle a range of resins safety.

Using a dental curing light accomplishes two things. In the first place, it makes sure that the resin cures properly and adheres evenly. When applying fillings, this is critical to keep the filling in place in the mouth. For sealants, the curing light limits the risk of cracks and other problems with the sealant. With adhesives for implants and braces, the rapid, even cure is also designed to limit problems in the future.

The dental curing light also increases patient comfort by rapidly curing resins so that the patient is not forced to sit in discomfort while the resin sets. Since the mouth usually needs to be held open wide and may be dry for the procedure, patients usually want the procedure to end as quickly as possible so that they can close their mouths and remoisturize the dried oral membranes. Using a curing light gets patients in and out of the chair quickly so that the experience of irritation and pain is limited.

Manufacturers of led curing light make models which are designed to be sterilized between patients, with controls which allow the dentist to adjust focus and intensity. Replacement bulbs, special filters, and other fixtures are usually available through dental supply catalogs. When purchasing a curing light, it is advisable to go through reviews in trade publications and to talk to practicing dentists to get product recommendations and performance ratings.

Souce:OYO Dental